Mobile Radar Vehicle & Misc Suggestions

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Blak-Dragon, May 14, 2006.

  1. Blak-Dragon

    Blak-Dragon Member

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    Hello, first time posting these ideas so let me know if it's been suggested before.

    Now about the MRV idea, is cause you don't know if there is an enemy camping far off in a corner of the map and the Commander doesn't want to bother setting up a second radar and losing it if he was right. So usage of a sensory vehicle could be an advantage for a tank convoy on a search and destroy mission. Since I'm sure that normal radar buildings can't detect infantry. This one could aid soldiers encase of a hidden squad or pesky cloaked scout. Probably the disadvantage to it it would be poorly armored and maybe only one machine gun slot. It can be parked out of the enemy's sights and used as an early warning device. Picking up a group of tanks or infantry moving towards the base, as again, the Radar Building = Big Chunky Target.
    Other advantages of it's use could be to disrupt missiles, scrambling their tracking devices causing it to fly off course. Handy if the opposition is planning to use noob nuke tactics.

    You'd probably say the Engineer's surveillance devices (Camera and Portable Radar Dish) would already be an alternative for this, but as far as I've seen them work in the field, they have a poor range and can only sight anything clearly in view.

    How it could be made available to be built would be from the Electrical Engineering > Tracking Systems. Probably be a limit of building one or two depending on the map's size. That's my idea for a one extra vehicle for Empires.

    Also for misc. suggestions :

    - Increased ranges for surveillance devices (or only for higher ranking engineers)
    - Surveillance radar dish could be used to disrupt the enemy's radar building (stopping research and detection) if placed in close proximity ?
    - Surveillance camera used to uncloak scouts
    - Possible increased range bonus for Camera and Radar being built near MG and ML turrets ?
    - Infantry buildings like bunkers or guard towers to use in situations where base turrets are destroyed.

    Hope these are handy.
  2. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    engineer surveilance was changed to detect enemy through walls in 1.04 and they have a fairly decent range.

    Although I wouldn't mind if something like this was researchable for the jeeps and applied as a weapon in the customise menu =)
  3. Jimather

    Jimather Member

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    i dont think we should go to all the trouble of putting in an extra vehicle for such a specialised task.

    make the scouts enhanced senses broadcast enemy positions in its radius to all the team when the scout is in a vehicle. achieves the same objective without cluttering the game or doing lots of modelling and coding.

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