Memoirs of a war torn land

Discussion in 'Worldbuilding' started by Ikalx, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    “It can what?” Sel asked in shock.

    “It can disguise itself to look like anything – animals, people, just about anything. The perfect camouflage.” Sangaia told him.

    “You didn’t happen to have hit it in its left arm did you?” Sel asked tersely. When Sangaia nodded looking frightened, Sel continued. “I met an NF soldier at the doors to this facility; he had a deep wound in his left arm. Could it do that?”

    Sangaia shook her head. “I don’t know. Maybe…is, is it still around?”

    “I don’t think so, it told me it was going home and I don’t think he meant Jekotia.” Sangaia sighed in relief.

    As they neared the main hallway, they found Nod waiting for them. He ran over and lifted Sangaia into his arms when he saw them. “I thought you weren’t going to take any unnecessary risks.” He said to her.

    “I’m all right Paul.” She said putting one bloody finger to his cheek.

    “Does anyone listen to my orders anymore? I thought I told you to wait until I came back, Nod.” Sel said exasperatedly.

    “Sorry sir, but we just received intel that Brenodi forces will be along to this area soon. Looks like they’re gonna napalm it.” Nod said half-apologising. “The APC is waiting for us outside.” He said and exited through the doors carrying Sangaia in his arms.

    Sel took one last look at the devastated facility before leaving the building and climbing into the APC. “Alright then, let’s leave this slaughterhouse.” He suggested.

    Rick shifted into drive and the vehicle picked up speed. As the facility dwindled from view, two Brenodi bombers appeared in the sky and began their napalm run.

    “I hope they burn it to the ground.” Sangaia said and Sel couldn’t help but agree.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2007
  2. DonMegel

    DonMegel Member

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    Wow, that was really great stuff. I loved it. There were some minor story flaws that I didnt agree with (such as you useing the wrong ranking system) but nothing major. It was very engaging, interesting and fun to read. Very well done.
  3. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Thanks Don, I was really quite worried that it was too off the wall for empires. I tried to change it twice but all I really managed to do was cut down the randomned 'wildlife aspect' shall I say. I'm glad I was able to keep it within the empires world, even if it was a horror storyline.

    Next time i'll hopefully be back to core empires and none of this crazy stuff ^^
  4. Jessiah

    Jessiah Member

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    Just re-read this, fucking awesome man. Need moar!
  5. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    I would love to, but...dunno how it comes so easy to you - it's only every so often i'm in the mood, and that's like every month or so.

    I'll see what I can do, thank you.
  6. Jessiah

    Jessiah Member

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    Haha, it doesn't come easy to me. I'm having a hard time motivating myself to write new chapters :p
  7. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Yeah, but you've written a heck of a lot. I used to write a lot back in the day, but as I grew up, I find I can only write 'well' sporadically...otherwise it just comes out as drivel. Compelling myself to write, seems to make everything fail... :pathetic:


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