McD vs KFC scrim - Saturday 5th July 21:00 BST/4pm EDT/1pm PDT - McD signups here!

Discussion in 'General' started by Trickster, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    It was me, I did it. I'm sorry. I didn't realise it would have this much of a backlash. I saw what team Trickster was fielding couldn't take on FN's team and win so I did the only thing I knew how to make sure that the match wouldn't go ahead properly - I ddos'ed Viper. I mean, I know there wasn't money on the line and the match didn't mean anything but we have pride, y'know? What would the internet have thought if Trickster's rusty vets lost to FN's random ragtag group of tryhards? They would have all committed Sonecha and never been seen again. We can't lose more this way.
  2. FN198

    FN198 Member

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    That's cute, but like I said there isn't any way to confirm that you or anyone actually did unless they have logs that we can do further analysis on. Proffering those logs, however, would be ridiculously stupid. No one would do that.
  3. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    I can pinky swear on my mum?
  4. FN198

    FN198 Member

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    I wish it was that easy.
  5. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    I don't think the purpose of the match was to have fun. It started feeling like work about 2 min in.

    When I'm lagging in a pub, I leave. It's simply not fun to play in those circumstances.
  6. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    are you trying to be dubee or headshotmaster
  7. Señor_Awesome

    Señor_Awesome Member

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    This game isn't about having fun. It provides a competitive platform to show off and hone a set of skills, such as leadership or even being good at the shoot-shoot. There's nothing better than organizing a comm rush and obtaining a victory through coordinated teamwork.

    Fun is merely a possible by-product of the competition.
  8. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I am going to have fun racing around with vehicle speed being absolutely useless and you can't stop me.
  9. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Yeah, except it also has a by-product of stressing everyone out over the constant anxiety of losing and therefore killing off any remaining "fun".

    I mean, EPIC is literally dead because of this kind of anxiety. In the typical insecure perfectionist style, it needs to be rebuilt to "be competitive":

    Forcing players to constantly have their pride on the line causes people to eventually shut down and give up out of a fear of eventual shame. We're dealing with relatively average people with real feelings, not super-humans. Not cool.

    EDIT I feel the need to make it abundantly clear that I have no particular problem with EPIC. I have a problem with the community-wide hyper-competitive insecure attitude that causes players to say, "It's still fair because both team had to deal with it" instead of "This doesn't look fun; this match should've never even started".
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
  10. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    I have said some shit over the two year period here, but there is no possible way I could ever top this..
  11. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    I'll just reply to this. Because I honestly feel like I should clear this out. Let's talk about two types of lag.
    1) constant 250 ping going on for years.
    You can somewhat get adjusted to this. But that doesn't nullify the ping, there still exist disadvantages that are virtually impossible to overcome.
    According to screenshots, KFC had more members with low ping, is this not an advantage?

    2) lag spikes.
    Let me put this short : I really don't know how one can get adjusted to this. You can't just say one team is having more advantage because they are more adjusted to this.
    None of us is "trained" to play under lag spikes.

    I know I've said this for 10 times, but the game ended in 10 minutes, KFC quitted before leaving any type of positive message or even requests.
    Really, what's there to argue?
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
  12. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    For the record, I was having choppiness on the EPIC server when we were doing drills but that could have just been my rural Canadian internet.

    ok FN defense force, and reply to anyone saying that we were ddosing for euro advantage, consider the following:

    Nearly half the team is American, 47% but since a minimum of 1 significant figure it's 50%, so half the team was American. We were planning two rounds so you can't say that the team had slightly different numbers from doing cuts to meet FN's ridiculous 13 player regulation. Only half our team would have somehow had the the "used to lag" advantage. Literally the worst argument.

    Further inspection of that roster shows that hardly half of McD was actually EPIC, so the argument about EPIC having to defend it's reputation is also wrong.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
  13. McGyver

    McGyver Experimental Pedagogue

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  14. Candles


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    Tri is from the UK and NaokiP is from Croatia. I believe Frax is somewhere around Hungary, YouzY is in Finland and PredatoR is from Hungary but lives in Sweden I believe*.

    *Most information is taken from offhand conversations and Steam profiles. The author is not liable for any harm/faux pas/wrong mailbomb addresses deriving from this information.

    EPIC doesn't feel anxiety when they're in a match simply because they know they'll be fine and everyone else knows they'll be fine. You've done a marvelous job of confusing anxiety with boredom. The vast majority of players aren't hyper-competitive perfectionists, they just want to have a decent match where interesting shit happens and people work together. I haven't seen anyone stop playing Empires on the basis that it makes them too anxious about losing, but sweet Jesus so many people just got bored of the game or didn't like how stupid/lazy players became compared to when they used to play.

    Now then, the meat of my post:

    The argument about the lag is null and void. If anyone is seriously using that argument, I'm sorry but either you're fucking retarded or you don't actually play video games. This wasn't rubberbanding lag. This wasn't packet loss. This wasn't compensation issues, prediction issues, packet delay variance, rate variance, none of the standard shit.

    Now then, we're in surprisingly good luck, actually. I inadvertently caught 50 seconds while sitting in the team of net_graph 5 in 1080p. If people so want, I can upload the footage to Youtube or Dropbox, but I can simply explain what it is. First, FPS, ping, command rate, in and out are all constant (Well, within regular tolerance. They don't have sudden spikes and they're not greater than normal). Importantly, loss and choke are also a constant 0, which means no packets are getting lost going from client to server or vice-versa. I CANNOT STRESS HOW IMPORTANT THAT IS. THERE WAS NEGLIGIBLE CHOKE AND NO LOSS THROUGH THE ENTIRE DURATION OF THE MATCH. That means the server wasn't being overloaded either on the CPU nor the bandwidth. If it was under enough attack to cause an issue, then it would have suffered severe loss and choke. Or at least more than zero and rarely one. But that isn't my point. My point is that this was not the normal lag, hell this wasn't actually lag. The update rate would drop as low 27.5/s, sv (server framerate) would drop down to 4.0 FPS and jump to 110 FPS. Var would spike to 30ms as sv spiked down, and there are noticeable interpolation blips in the interpolation graph. This is clearly symptomatic of packets not being sent in the first place. An actual attack would either cause queuing delays which lead to loss and choke, or would take up a massive amount of CPU time which would cause more consistent issues instead of the little "blips" of delay. This is more consistent with the process itself pausing, which can be caused by numerous things, none of which are an attack. Waiting on a pagefile, disk I/O. Stuff that blocks the process until it's resolved. You'd have to be mentally deficient to believe that Euro's have the advantage with this, because that would mean your crazy enough to think that bad ping = server not sending packets.

    So, to all of you still arguing that the server was attacked and/or that the Euros were getting an advantage, you have two choices. Either you can continue putting out claims that lack any shred of actual evidence and entirely ignore the interpretation by a guy who deals in this kind of shit all the fucking time, you can accept what I've said and let that be the end of it, or you can offer a critique of my analysis and have a proper dialogue about the issue. Again, if you want the 50s footage of my netgraph, I'll be happy to proffer it, though I doubt you'll find anything that I haven't already pointed out.
  15. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    You know it's fucked when people are making arguments worse than anything I ever made.

    When my shit failed and I lost at that 6 vs 6 shit show I created, I didn't make any excuses (At-least I don't think I did).
    I accepted my loss and proceeded to curse out grant for being a huge asshole, and continuing to one.

    I went into my fucking corner, cried myself to sleep, and moved on.
    Loosing shit fucking sucks, and nobody understands that more than me.

    But when I loose, I don't throw a goddamn fit at other people unless it's highly justified.
    I try to figure out what happened and what I did wrong.
    I didn't stare at footage and grasp at straws and accuse my opponent of cheating.

    That is salty and fucking shameful.
    Take your goddamn loss with pride, learn from it and use what you learned for the next match.

    Do you guys know the acronym "No johns" is?

    A John is a blanket term used to "justify" an event occuring in a Smash Bros. game, such as losing, missing a recovery, or narrowly losing a match, among others. It can be considered roughly equivalent to the word "excuse".

    The term John, according to California smasher HugS, comes from a Smash player in Texas (named John) who would consistently invent excuses every time he lost. The term "Johning" became commonplace in the community, as others grew tired of his excuses, thus coining the term.
    As a result of the escalating use of "Johns" in the Smash community, the phrase "No Johns" has received equal popularity, often as a retort to players who use "Johns".

    This is the kind of shit that is rampant in the fighting game community, people have their heads so far up their ass they can't figure out what they did wrong.
    Here is why you cunts fucking lost.

    It wasn't lag, not in the slightest.

    You didn't take the match seriously and thought you kids could beat us like it was a regular pug match.
    Because nobody "important" in epic was in our team.

    We took time out of our day to practice and train, and document what we are doing.
    The war council we had basically decided who won because we sat down and fucking talked to each-other and communicated.

    No goddamn ego trips, no fucking back handing and arguing.
    Pure communication, we communicated.

    Even an asshole like me had a role to play, and according to lawliet I apparently saved us by just building a barrack.
    I don't fucking know how I saved the map, when you guys assaulted our bases it was a piss poor performance so I doubt my base building would have saved us.

    Here is the too long didn't read explanation.

    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
  16. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    candles put out a faulty version so that fn would lose
  17. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    This thread includes way too many long ass blocks of texts
  18. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    True and not true, they are also really good reads
  19. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    I've been playing this mod for a long time. Never thought I'd see the day so many people would lose their balls.

    For god sake, just say the match was untenable, rather than all this horse shit.
  20. Señor_Awesome

    Señor_Awesome Member

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    I'm sad nobody took me more seriously when I said that a game wasn't about having fun.

    I was certain somebody would agree with me.

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