Trenches are ugly and open to grenades and tank fire, hard to put in with displacements and easy to spam with mines and fuck stuff up. And commanders never have trouble selecting infantry inside the buildings and giving targets. They don't have to be huge tunnels, the hill is tiny so I can't see it being a huge problem.
depends on how you make em depends on how you make displacements this is true, if you know where the enemy is gonna walk you can litter it with mines and block his passage but same goes for tunnels [/QUOTE] And commanders never have trouble selecting infantry inside the buildings and giving targets. They don't have to be huge tunnels, the hill is tiny so I can't see it being a huge problem.[/QUOTE] i suggest a hybrid of trenches and tunnels, trenches with a hard see trough cover or tunnels with metal fence in the roof that allows you to see stuff happening inside