Forget playerclips... insert player/vehicle push. Set it to warp factor 1, so they get splattered on other side of map.
Anyone willing to make one? I have tested this with turret gibs and it's definitely possible to have tumbleweeds rolling/flying/floating around duststorm Edit: Tumblebarrels Observing their behavior made me wonder wether tumbleweed models would behave most realistic being shaped as perfect spheres or as spheres with scoops on them ... no idea
Well, I can do that when I get around to it. But I guess flasche could as well. I am just not sure tumbleweeds would be fitting on a beach like that...
Yeah it's not for echelon We've had these maps for nearly a decade. Graphics in games have made enormous progress. Even at launch all those years ago reviewers summarized the maps as a "focus on functionality over looks". Which is how it should be of course, but in 10 years more could've been done than replacing a texture or two, changing to a more sunny skybox or remaking a single dam. If someone were to make a trailer to attract new players, he'll have to focus on the strategy, action and vehicles. The maps will only lower expectations.
Silks pls, you're up to five maps released already and cod might be ugly, but the rest are awesome. Also king.
because theres too many player black holes on the map even though only the one route pathable for comms counts.
I never knew king existed, so I looked and was amazed. I really have to wonder how many awesome custom maps I've missed out on. I really wish I could do king on a pug, but people would have to download it first and its a really big map which requires a ton of players, two things that don't quite work for a pug. Maybe as a first map, assuming people are ok waiting 5 minutes for the pug to start. Also because no one wants to add vision obscuring stuff to maps, can you add little particle sand effects to duststorm?Like in these vids? It would give the same feel that grass can, makes maps feel more alive. Because it would be low to the ground, maybe off the side of the hills it wouldn't be something that can obscure vision, or turned off and have an advantage that trickster mentioned.
hmm id make it differently. id stick 3-6 planes with transparent textures into eachother. thats 3-6 faces each 4 verts. then id add a icosphere (sphere out of triangles) with only a few iterations as collision mesh so it can roll. and finally in the material id turn of backface culling ($nocull). is this bad practice? maybe you could abuse the wave shader for this? you know this thing keef used on tropicvendetta.
That would look awesome in Duststorm (the name would finally mean something), but I wouldn't know how to realistically implement it Shader/animated texture ... perhaps, but I don't know how to make/alter them I know Empty did wonders with particles as well, but I have no idea how detailed/realistic/demanding that would be if that were possible
I don't really think that would look so good flasche, but try it. Honestly, I think Source can stem those few more polies. in theory its like a waterfall just with different textures and horizontal i assume that - similar to your ice experiments for that frozen map - it doesnt work with displacements, but duststorm is rather flat so, at some areas, especially the base building areas which are perfectly flat, it should be possible to use brushes hovering 1 unit above the disps.
While slightly improving some of the brushwork in Chain, I noticed I no longer have the func_ladder entity in my list of entities. Was this somehow created and added to some file by someone? Anyone remember? Even if I copy the existing func_ladders (all ladders used this entity) only the brush copies, the copy doesn't remain an entity I'm assuming I had some custom file linked to by someone, but it's too long ago to remember.
It's always been in the Hl2.fgd. Like in the Empires.fg it has two includes @include "base.fgd" @include "halflife2.fgd" For some reason, I couldn't find func_ladder in either of them. Anyhow, I added ladder to the Empires.fgd..
no its not the minimap missing. it only happens on chain though - but id consider it a victory, youve beaten the game ->
Well it's done, it looks great, it works, ... but I can't see the cv on the minimap. Looking for a volunteer to load the map and fly around to see if it works. Say something on steam.