Map Idea: Mini Campaign

Discussion in 'Mapping' started by Jayson, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. Jayson

    Jayson Member

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    Hi there I have a mapping idea that i think would be good in empires or at lest fun to play.

    Make a series of maps that change depending on who won or lost the last map, think payload from TF2 i feel it can be incorporated easy with only a few maps and a bit of sever side modding.

    My idea for the series of maps for empires is as follows.

    Five maps in a row that looks like this:

    Emp_NF_HQ - Emp_NF_Defence - Emp_Center - Emp_BE_Defence - Emp_BE_HQ

    Lets start with Emp_Center. This is going to be the most played map, everyone starts at this map in the series.


    It is an circle shape type map with open land, hills, cannons and resources points in a ring around the edge of the map it circles a lake in the middle.

    The lake is deep enough that vehicles drown in it.

    In the center of the map is an island where a complex is build upon.

    Most of the island around its edges are to steep and high for infantry to swim and climb except for 4 small beach landings where they can come up out of the water, these landings are covered by build-able/destroyable bunkers aimed at the landings.

    The other and main way onto the island are four destroyable bridges that link the main circle of land to the island. These bridges unlike others that i have seen in empires are not one continues piece they are made up of four sections which each piece can be independently destroyed and rebuilt. This means that if all pieces of a bridge are destroyed one engineer can not come across and rebuild the entire thing quickly and in one go they have to build it section by section while under enemy fire.

    *idea: These bridges may or may not be already built at the start of the game this stops rushes to the isle/maybe have each piece of the bridges have a 50/50 chance of been already built at the start.

    On the isle is the the complex, its designed like a mini city. It is in a destroyed state with rubble and collapsed buildings all around, vehicles can move in it but are very vulnerable as there are lots of passage ways and walkways and openings in the buildings and only a certain few paths through the complex for vehicles to move.

    The isle has four refinery points but no other buildings can be build upon it the only way to respawn there are with apcs and apc spawn.

    With the four refinery points it is a very important point on the map but very hard to hold or attack.

    Due to the open and closed nature of the complex it is very difficult to arty the isle and totally clear it out.

    The winner of emp_center changes what the next map that the server will play it is either emp_NF_Defence or emp_BE_Defence both maps are similar in style just not layout.


    This is a flag capturing map which favours the side which lost the last map, there are six flags one of which is controlled by the winners of the last match three of which are controlled at the beginning by the losing side.

    All six flags need to be captured to win the map. Two of the flags already owned by the team that lost the last map are very good defensive positions. The Winners of the last map have to work hard to stay in control and keep winning on this map.

    If playing on emp_NF_defence and the NF win the map reverts back to emp_center to start over again. If BE wins again and NF loses the map changes to Emp_NF_HQ, the same if it was for for emp_BE_defence either emp_center or emp_BE_HQ.


    This is the ultimate defence map and ultimate attack map.

    It is designed similar to emp_escorts except that there is only 1 flag present that is held by either NF or BE depending on whose HQ it is, the other side has two flags in there bases. The attacking side has almost infinite resources and two fully built bases with a spawn flag in the center of each one with vehicle factories, armories, and lv 3 turrets the other side has there fortress to hold up in, like escorts the attackers have lots of tickets but due to logistics it counts down by 1 every second enough for 30 mins of attack apart from any lost in battle.

    So whats the difference between this and escorts? Well on this map the defenders have there fortress:

    For the NF it is a massive structure taking up the entire west side of the map made up of 3 walls with lv 1, 2 and 3 turrets of both kind dotted along them. Each wall has 3, 2 and 1 massive blast doors that have to be breached, these doors can be repaired but not rebuilt if destroyed, past the last wall is the nerve center for the NF if this is taken the NF loses and the BE wins the war.

    For the BE there fortress is a massive three story building in the center of a nice corporate plaza with NF forces on both sides of it, one base to the west one to the east. The first lv of the tower has destructible walls which when breached allow vehicles inside, there are security turrets inside and outside the main doors of the plaza that have to be taken out. The NF then have to fight there way up to the second floor and when there can activate and use a service elevator to bring vehicles up to that floor. There are four sets of stairs and four elevators, two of which are service ones but can only be activated from the second floor. The rooms and corridors with windows facing outside can be shelled as the windows are breakable but there are inner rooms and corridors as well. If NF get to the center of the third floor and cap the flag they will bring down the BE and win the war.

    If either side successfully defend there fortress the map moves back to emp_XX_defence and so on.

    Well thats it whooo thanks for reading that much and i hope you comment

    And yes i know it would require a lot of mapping to work but it would be something could improve the game i feel.

    So anyone want to take this on?

    Any comments?

    I wont be much use right now other than ideas as i am new to mapping and am in the middle of building a map myself one not involved with this but i like the idea enough to tell everyone.

  2. Varbles

    Varbles Simply Maptastic. Staff Member

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    I was really hoping to try and make something like this when I started emp_landing. I've found its much harder than it sounds to make 5 maps to use for this kind of thing, but I still really love the idea.

    Add me on steam (serjicalstrike4u) and maybe I can help make one or two of these maps
  3. ScardyBob

    ScardyBob Member

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    Easier implementation:

    Map 1: Generic, open map favoring neither side (like emp_moors)

    Map 2 (if NF wins map 1): BE has a starting base in a defensible location, while NF is exposed (think emp_snowbound_1_2 except only one side has the base). If NF wins, the server returns to a regular map cycle, else Map 1 is played again.

    Map 3 (if BE wins map 1): NF has a starting base in a defensible location, while BE is exposed. If BE wins, the server returns to a regular map cycle, else Map 1 is played again.

    If Map 1 is played three times, the side that won twice wins and the server returns to the regular map cycle.
  4. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    i tried that once, it wont work with empires
  5. PreDominance

    PreDominance Member

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    You might be able to use eventscripts to get it to work. Or SM, but I'm not familiar with it. The devs could add an event variable victor <team name (NF|BE)> that is triggered at event map_end (or game_end, whatever). Then in ES:

    event map_end
    if (server_var(mapname {or whatever the var is for the map} = emp_center)) do
    if (event_var(victor) = NF)) then sm_map emp_nf_XXX
    sm_map emp_be_XXX

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