they will be toggleable, potentially. in the meantime they stay unless ppl hate them, which doesnt seem to be the case.
Yeah that was a fun match though my team says I drove them crazy (I think their just jealous of my awesomess)
Yeh, it was a genuinely really fun scrim up until the part where we lost GG though, but we were all like "wtf ninja?" when we lost, then we see 2 rail heavys around the dead CV, and are slightly confused that sonecha never mentioned that they were there lol. Needless to say I'm basically refusing to speak him now, just like he didn't speak to us about dying. But regardless, a really good game, constantly moving back and forth between bases, I genuinely enjoyed it as one of the best scrims in a long time.
if nothing else comes up we can schedule one for two weeks from now. let's say the 20th of Dec ? NOON PST.
I forgot to mention they all chickened out and lost cyclopean and then left as soon as I connected to the scrim. After 1 round, come on, it can't be coincidence.
Well, it was really late for some of our members, it was gone midnight my time and i'm GMT, some of our members are +2, so we just can't maintian numbers at that time.