CURRENT FORUMS:[/s] MAD is focused on mastery of vehicles and the like. We strive for the utmost in supportive teamplay and remain very active in the community. We are currently recruiting, if you wish to join us, add me (tuhnin) on steam friends and let me know. UPDATE: The MAD server is now '42' slot and will be hosting custom maps primarily. Standard maps are available thru RTV. FAST DOWNLOAD is WORKING for ALL maps. If you should encounter some odd error/disconnect plz report it on our forums or post in this thread. I can't fix things that I don't know are broken.
yes, yes it is... some minor map issues being sorted out right now and emp_encore has some known missing textures, love it or leave it. It's a reverse escort map with some kickass action to it, so even with the hideous purple and black stuff here n there its staying up. EDIT : the research has been lowered to 1.25x and the resources down to 1.5x (from 2x) to help the vets avoid whining
Upon careful consideration of the fragile temperament of veterans, the MAD server has officially gone to stock research and resource settings. The strange lag/choke of yesterdays full server will be addressed and corrected promptly. I pay for 32 slots and expect a good 32 slot server.
You want 2x resources, gamearena has 1x resources and it's slow as hell. Give it a shot though. Oh, btw, desolation is released, JJ45 gave me the thumbs up so you guys can throw it around a bit on the server
personally i loathe 1x money, but if it helps the community get 2 games of 30 people rather than just one on the training server (which should ALWAYS have space for noobs to LEARN the game) then I'll just cope with it. 1x is just really painful when you are playing 4on4 small matchs. EDIT: New server network settings to reduce lag. Please let me know if you stil experience lag on the MAD server when its full. All are admins have been notified to kick high pingers to avoid lagging out everyone. I'll get a highping kick plugin functioning soon. Also, a bunch of the custom maps have proper cfg files setup now, some broken minimaps are now working and i'm optimistic that i've fixed encore's missing textures issue. Will test soon.
The reason for high ping kick is because they hinder game play, not cause they lag everyone out. Some people have bittorrent on while playing because it gives them a "lag barrier" and it screws with the hitbox so you never get hit. Because a person slowly responds to the server, doesn't mean server will try to compensate by lagging everyone else But it happens only 1% of the time. Kicking high pingers will only alienate foreign players from your server. I'll play on MAD more often now.
it will be around 250-300, that way euros can still join but some may not be able to play there. I really cant see a more fair way to do anything about that thou. At least the euro players have a few good local serves to game on so its not like they cant play anywhere. Yes, admins (read clanmembers) will have immunity to ping kicking.
i'll add you 3 the minute you pm yer steamid's to me. be forewarned that it's limited admin, but you will have kick rights and mapchange ability to start. More will come down the road if needed (bans, etc) We appreciate the help.
send me your steamid via pm if u want to be considered for admin, if u get accepted you will be invited to the steam group and will have access after that moment.
you can stick me back on if ya want bitchslap Did you comment me off the list or delete me off the list?
I'm fairly new to the forums, but I've been playing for quite some time now. I am a good commander and I'd like to apply for admin.