I absolutely hate the wallhacks, and I've hated them from the start, so I support ideas which include "remove commander wallhacks". However, though I like this idea of the commander placing a small radar, why not just give the camera and radar which engineers can build a slightly larger coverage (if larger coverage is needed...)? Why would we have commander radars as well as engineer radars? This method would be much quicker to implement as well. Summary: - Remove commander wallhacks - Give engineer camera and radar slightly larger coverage
Just to let you know, please don't bump threads without anything important to add, your idea could have been it's own thread.
I'm fairly sure I've said this twice in this thread already, but it still seems relevant soo.... WHY ISN'T THIS (as in, the idea in the original post complete with models) IMPLEMENTED YET?
Because Zeke needs his marks. And probably because none of the coders want to tackle it even though I don't think it would take that long for a much better game mechanic.
Oh god I have no idea where I put the models for these since I reinstalled windows. Oh god I have to go look for them if it gets implemented Oh god.
Except for the bit where sonar is sort of impossible to use ON A BATTLEFIELD... Seriously how do you use a sonar ping when shit is exploding all over the place?
Generally when doing that I like to point out that I'm doing that, and call it something nebulous or obviously made up, rather than something that exists but obviously wouldn't work. That way it doesn't come off as trying to be realistic and failing miserably.
obviously they would only use the technology if they were capable of filtering out irrelevant noise or interpreting the noise into locational data. don't get so nit-picky.
You don't need the models to code the feature, you could use the radar or camera models for standins. And considering that I had them handy for the past year or so but nobody seemed at all interested in doing the code for it, I'm not massively inclined to go through the hassle of compiling the things and finishing the collision boxes if it's just going to be ignored for another year or vetoed during the two 15 player tests you manage to organise. You get the feature coded, tested and approved, I'll give you models to replace the standins.
Same here, I'm not massively inclined to code something that won't be used because there are models for it. How do we resolve this deadlock?
Well like I said, the models aren't neccesary, you could implement it entirely without the models, the models are just eye candy. You implemented mark 2 tanks without a model because the basic tank is a perfeclty good standin, similarly there are models you could use as standins for these. I don't really play the game much, so it makes little difference to me whether or not you implement it.