RTSS (Real Time Strategy Shooter): Empires Project Reality Zombie Master Iron Grip series Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War Savage series Natural Selection Dungeon Keeper series Tremulous So far this is my list. I remember playing universe and battlezone a long time ago and I was reading that those might be RTSS. I don't remember though since they are so old. I'm wondering if you know any other RTSS games out there?
Honestly, I would only count NS, Empires, Tremulous, and Savage as true FPS/RTS. The rest you mentioned are mostly FPS with RTS element in them. The original Iron Grip had a nice blend, but the new one is just a siege game with buildings. Zombie Master doesn't really tickle me as anything RTS except for the ZM's interface, which is simply a way to move around NPCs to make the survivors' lives miserable. The Battlefield series and mods (like Project Reality) merely have commanders to guide the battle, not true RTS elements like resource gathering or tech. Rise & Fall sorta work.... Dungeon Keeper is just no.
Zombie Master, LOL. This game is fucking cancer. There's a WW2 mod for HL2 where you can either lead them through "commander view" or play as one of the infantry.
Which would make them FPS/RTS... One player per team of thirty with a very basic RTS interface and no micro isn't exactly a huge helping of RTS to begin with.
I personally require some basic things to consider it a trueblood FPS/RTS blend. 1) resources (gathered somehow) 2) tech progression throughout the round 3) buildings that are placed by the team Typically a commander will help control these elements, but it's not required. Otherwise, you just have a FPS wil RTS elements, a la BF2 where the only "RTS" part is you can have a commander who sends airstrikes/UAVS/ammo dumps and gives move orders... and that's it. Simply having a commander doesn't make it a FPS/RTS in my book, just a directable FPS. One game forgotten (although I'm hesitant to recommend it) is Red Faction: A Path Beyond. They're trying to do Red Alert in FPS. http://www.moddb.com/games/red-alert-a-path-beyond
Again I'll post: Wulfram 1 (which is dead, used to be supported on Total Entertainment Network more than 10 years ago) and Wulfram 2 as seen here. Too bad the community is dead. I have such vivid memories playing this game when I was like 10.
Allegiance I never could play it due to it being an old game that hated routers, but you fly ships and the commander buys stuff and researches and stuff. Also, supposedly the fans raised enough money to buy the license from microsoft and have developed the game on their own.
Oh man, I tried that a while back and it boggled my mind. Too bad there aren't more people playing it. The NS developers say that they drew inspiration from that game. It's pretty intense, but has one of the largest learning curves I've ever seen, and that's even with a pretty good tutorial.
Oh yea allegiance. The game that your talking about is called free allegiance. Lot of players last time I was on (empires style). The reason I put PR and not BF2 in the list is because of deployable buildings with spawn points. While you can't gather tickets, you do use them up with the buildings.
Free allegiance is nice, commanders have much more power than in Empires and it has a TEXT MUTE OPTION. Unfortunately you need a joystick to play it somewhat competitivly and space is graphically very boring. Also Nuclear Dawn, the former HL2 mod that is now a indie retail game, is a FPS with commander, but its not yet released.
battlezone>battlezone2 such an awesome game, one of my fav of all time. Online community is quite decent too, got a 1v1v1v1 on "classic" mode (base building etc).
It was a vaporware mod but now it is a commercial vaporware project! EDIT: Oh wow, they even have a website with fresh news: http://www.nucleardawnthegame.com/
Commercial as in bought out by some random dev team this summer if I recall. Are they really gonna charge us for it? Here's the news post about their acquisition on moddb: http://www.moddb.com/games/nuclear-dawn/news/hello-nuclear-dawn-community