My suggestion is to let Engineers place a refinery on an empty refinery node. This means no more mikespamming an afk commander for a refinery for ten minutes just to have the enemy take the ref node back. Unlike other buildings, that can be placed anywhere and take considerable amounts of resources, refineries can only be placed in specific locations and quickly recoup their small 100 res cost.Also, to keep the "cost" relatively consistent, refs could be free to place and delay producing resources after they're built for the same time it takes a ref to produce 100 res. There's an old thread here that's the same suggestion, and I know the idea has been discussed in other threads.
Suggested a similar idea three years ago. And, imo, the solution is to convert the resource node entity to be an engineer buildable, not have engineers place refineries. Having engineers place refineries just pushes the problem to the players rather than the commander (which is still an improvement, but not a solution). An example of what I mean is blizzerd's refinery 4.
I gave it a solid "maybe". I only say that because I don't think it's a good idea to let random players spent the com's money. Perhaps engineers could be allowed to use their wages to buy refs? That's a good point. Maybe a player-dropped ref wouldn't start with 20% health (or w/e it is); an engy would have to spend his wages and build it up from no health. It's a greater investment (wages) and greater danger (no starting health), but it requires no teamwork. Risk => reward. It could become yet another area where teamwork is more effective than solo play. That's kind of a theme in Empires, amirite?
I support the idea of using your own wages to buy the reff. but only being able to place it on the actual reff points, to avoid building spamalamlam.
My issue is this. It's taking something away from the commander to do. You may claim, "all he's doing is a couple of clicks to drop it", but what else does the commander even do? He needs more to do, not less.
It is an interesting thought. Maybe allow the engineers to place a makeshift temporary refinery, and allow the com to either upgrade or replace it with a permenant one. Have the engy one last for X number of res produced (X being a CVAR), and the com one to act as a normal ref. This would placate the afk com and assist in radio spam, which is what the op was worried about.
It's on the same level of "Something for the Commander to do" as targets were. Absolutely essential yet completely mindless job that if neglected puts that commander's team at a serious disadvantage. Not to mention micspam. If this is the type of thing that commanders should be doing, then you might as well give the commander a button that if the commander doesn't click every five seconds, then their entire team can't respawn. Cue endless screaming. Also, everyone who looks at this topic and doesn't vote hates democracy. :p
I agree. The lack of queueable research is another of these examples. It's just pushing buttons for the sake of pushing buttons.
Because forcing the enemy comm to stay in drive mode and not attend to his team should count for nothing due to the research all being queued, and their engineers placing their own refineries, right?
No, the com should have to do more than just hit the research button and drop refs. You said it yourself, it's button pushing, but it's all the com currently has. I think the team should benefit from having the com constantly in com mode, but accomplishing that with lame button-pressing isn't the way to do it. I don't have a magic bullet solution, but instead of dogmatically denying that the problem exists, maybe the forum could brainstorm in another thread?
Go round and build more refineries or help out your team by giving targets via "move here". In Savage 2 engineers can place refineries if there is no commander. Maybe that's the way to go about it.
I want the enemy team punished if I kill their Commander so his CV is empty, even if it's in their main.