Hey guys, I'll be absent for two weeks while I go shoot some wild animals down in Tanzania. Have fun reading outdated topics and making trouble on the as of now unmoderated channels and server! I'll be pissed if 1.08 releases in the meantime. -L3
Bring back bandwidths please. I hear there is wild bandwidths you can hunt in Africaland. Bring them back so I may haves them and feed thems to my modem. It is hungry for the bandwidths.
yeah; its well worth buying your own moskitoe net, the place i went had a hole in theres, and i got bit-to-shit. especially if ure doing a camping safari/thing, because they ALWAYS manage to get in your tent somehow, so havin that extra layer really helps.
If you go for waterbuffalo then keep shooting the big boomstick. I have seen videos while getting my hunterlicense where they took several very high caliber shots even to the head without going down..... they will get up again and go crazy if you dont get a very good first shot.