I don't doubt that killspawning is an ingrained part of Empires, but logistically speaking, it isn't intuitive. Some argue that it's a tradeoff with tickets expended and such, but I think that dying to change bases is unnecessary and could be replaced with teleporting across multiple spawns (not sure about APCs though). Thoughts?
This would tie in better with the "teleport between rax while in a rax" idea. Killspawning as of now is a bit weird logistically indeed, but it works.
It's sad that it wastes a ticket. At the very least, selecting another spawn whilst inside the barracks and hitting, "Switchspawn location NOW" on the main map would give a charge-up time of 10 seconds before you switch.
Kill spawning not only wastes tickets but it alerts the other team of an on coming rush or ninja rax.
Dubee shhh.... I always amazed how many people never thought of that. There are other ways of dying quickly
The switch locations based on chooseing new spawn point in a rax is pretty much a planned feature it will just be awhile before it gets worked on. The list of shit for our coders to do is about ten miles longer than the rest of our to do lists.
It's always nice to be near the enemy so that you can killspawn without killspawning. Only the guy who killed you would even suspect anything!
The alternative is something which is basically a killspawn or ridiculously long spawn times, or removing suicide altogether. None of those are going to work or change the problem. Deal with it.
I guess a small inexpensive teleporter building capable of warping about 1 player per 3-6 seconds would be nice. Although i doubt it's going to happen, as i think that empires is already fully develeoped, and just needs some polishing here and there.
So, you'd rather not encourage them to come back to base by making the only option completely unintuitive and nonsensical. It only makes sense after you've gotten used to this dumb "feature."
Actually, I think Empty is on the side of 'killspawning should not exist'. On that note, there's another option not mentioned by Empty: Forcing you to spawn at the closest spawnpoint to where you died. Commanders would have to exploit it by recycling all other spawnpoints... But, some have been known to do that already.
killspawning is definitely needed unless it gets replaced by a new feature. that teleport from spawn to spawn thing would be at hand as solution ...