Ikalx (Memoirs of a War Torn Land), Angry (Empire of the Black Rose), and DonMegel (Empires: The Story, Empires II: Dark Messiah). The stories in brackets beside your name will be included in the unofficial Empires Media Pack, in PDF format, being released alongside Empires 2.0. unless you specify otherwise, your stories will be in Times New Roman, size 12, no background, black text, no cover image, etc. AKA visually bland. If you wish for anything specific to be done (cover image, font, text color, background image, etc) post here. I will gladly implement anything you wish, as long as its within Adobe Acrobat 8's capabilities. also, a side not for DonMegel: next time you make a story, please, for the love of all that is good, think of the spellchecker. it took 6 hours to spellcheck both your's due to the accents your trying to show within the text
Yarr...well that's fine fer me, but...um I was thinking of getting another part done, seeing as my last part wasn't very Empires related. If I can get it done in a day or so, will it be able to make it in? Thanks btw
also, I'm going to link to the respective thread here at the end of each PDF. should i link to the most recent chapter, or the beginning of the thread?
Linking it to the first page makes more sense, that way people can follow the thread to the point they've read up to. If it takes a while to release 3.0 and if we still have players on 2.0 servers and if we get some people reading the stories in pdf...then it will work better that way
what about "For Jekotia,"? hehe thought I'd join in. But yeah, you can put that in if you want. "For Brotherhood," is rather unfinished. Im just gonna scrap that next one and write again someday...=/.....
I didnt fish deep into the forums, I just used what seemed to be well written and popular. This project is being done solely by me, and I by no means have the time to reach deep down back a few months considering how little time is left until release.
well, its very short, and its just a little scroll down you can consider if its worthwhile to put in, I wont mind. practically the only thread I put on this part of the forum.
sadly as much as i want to add more, i dont have the time. its too late. I want this out with 2.0. and I have real life to deal with too. unless you can spellcheck it and do the formatting. thats the big time consumer.
w0rd, got not much to do atm. well I finished spellchecking, minor errors. now continue to format it >.> K, im done.
Wait, you changed my spelling? Why? As for font I'd like Areal bold and this as a background http://www.isle-dso.eu.dodea.edu/et/Projects/Constitution/parchmentbase.jpg Just make sure its easy to read, might need to up the font to 12 or 14
I like that background don -=o Be cool if we can make up random people and put quotes for map loads =/, be cooler than a blank screen or the same old screen -=x
i didnt change your spelling. it was just a hell hole to spellcheck. 6 HOURS! for Empires and Empires II that is. edit: is the parchment for Empires: The Story and Empires II: Dark Messiah? Or just Empires: The Story? i need specifics, you have 2 stories in teh hopper. edit 2: DeadReakoning recieved "For Jekotia", I'll add a cursive font for ya, I know of a great one