I always thought that MG tracers and missiles came outta the cannon barrel, sure as hell looks that way to me.
... i mean, hell, who has noticed that the missiles and tracers come the hell out of no where? and as for around half the tanks (BE med, for one) you cant see the MGs too! And dont get me started on missiles...
It would still need to be implemented, and it depends if a coder feels like doing it, it's not a priority atm. Theres been some talk about having the different weapons visible on the model and Kylegar asked me to add bones for the MG and ML, but that could just be for the future.
I just noticed I was wrong about the mg and ml not being in the game, it was in there all along, so yeh, the mg could be seperated from the cannon, will have to see how it turns out in game first though.
Well heres an update, I was actually working on the turret, but figured the turret I had planned didn't realy fit with the simple shape, as it's based sort of on the upper part of this body, but meh, so more work on the chassis...
Is that center thingy on top of that tank between the turret mount cylinder and hatch cylinder just mounted inside the vehicle and is it not tried to cut along the chassis shape?
Does the turret still fit on the tank when it rotates? And it looks very good. Don't throw away the Hello Kitty texture. Maybe we can use it for the MKII.
It's cool but I don't think it fits brenodi well. I could point out a few thematic traits of brenodi vehicles if you want.
How long the barrel is? Because it "feels" like it's a bit too short for the tank but that's my opinion. Edit: Or maybe you could make the turret tower a bit shorter because I think why I got this feeling. When you take a look to all of the turret towers and barrels in Empires tanks, you'll notice that their all turret towers are shorter or near the length of the barrel of the tank. However here the case is the other way around. Barrel is shorter than the turret tower.