I think it would be useful to highlight nearby friendly ammo boxes with icons, at least under some situations. For instance, an icon could float over them for players who have requested ammo recently, or for players who are out of ammo for one of their weapons (this would make it more intuitive for new players who don't know about the request button -- WHERE I FIND AMMOZ? Right there.) Also, it would help players find ammo boxes on unfamiliar maps, which I think is good, and would help them notice if the comm has dropped an armory or if an engineer has dropped a box. Maybe also highlight them on the map under the listed circumstances, although that's a bit less useful.
Good idea, I remember it took me a while to figure out which buildings had ammoz in them. Just as long as it doesn't clutter up the screen under normal circumstances.
you only see the icon if you have a "need ammo" icon above you head (and the icon disappears after you 'use' and ammo crate one time).
Wanted to suggest this, searched, found this thread, will necro for implementation. I find it rather stressing when players moan about be not dropping ammo boxes when there's an ammo box nearby. Maybe make it silver rather than the current goldish (if I remember correctly) colour to stop the confusion between players requesting ammo and placed ammo boxes.
Copy these and rename them to ammobox_nf, ammobox_imp: ammobox.vmt ammobox.vtf (Remember to edit the .vmt!) Download this to convert them to .tga and vice versa: VTFEdit Go to the Model Viewer and take a screenshot of each ammobox, make them pretty in photoshop, convert back to .vtf, And you have a higher chance of getting it into the game
Note to self: always make these icons visible when nearby (200 units?) and from further away (1000-1500 units?) when low on ammo or when having used the "I need ammo" request.
Definitely that. And keep them either directly on the same height as the ammo box or just minimally over it. I hate it in BF 4 when you can't see the enemy anymore, because your screen is plastered in icons. Maybe even make them optional. Could we have a whole options panel for disabling various UI elements?
as long as its not useless information there cannot be enough onscreen - why bother disabling smart ammo box icons which only show if you need them anyway - writing gui for this is a waste of time imo, even if it would only take you a couple of minutes. the rest is great though.
Just make the ammo box model brighter. I don't think icons are a good idea, they'd somewhat block the view.
dont you think this is dependend on size and opacity? or maybe highlight them differently - does this L4D outline shader work for empires/do we have one that works? showing the outlines, even through walls shouldnt block your view at all.
You could make ammo icons fade out if they were near the centre of the screen or even clamp their position so they won't move towards the centre of the screen.