Give units passive range bonusses

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by blizzerd, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    The effect of each unit does not stack, but effect of different units does stack. Do away with passive squad powers. Have these powers be relatively tight on range, for example the length of a be rax as radius. but not so that its hard to stay in range while moving.

    APC + med + med + med + heavy =
    apc has 1 bonus of med and 1 of heavy
    med has 1 bonus of apc and 1 of heavy
    heavy has 1 bonus of apc and 1 of med

    Suggestion of how these bonuses would look like;

    Infantry -> effect this unit has on infantry
    Tanks -> effect this unit has on tanks

    Infantry -> Slight infantry armor increase.
    Tanks -> Slight auto repair

    Light tank
    Infantry -> run & stamina speed increase
    Tanks -> slight armor buff versus infantry

    Med tank
    Infantry -> Infantry to tank damage buff
    Tanks -> Slight reload speed increase

    Heavy tank
    Infantry -> Infantry to infantry damage buff
    Tanks -> slight armor buff versus Tanks

    Infantry -> more tank damage
    Tanks -> increased Armour

    Infantry -> camera targets
    Tanks -> lower missile lock and track speed for enemies

    Infantry -> ???
    Tanks -> ???

    Infantry -> ???
    Tanks -> ???

    Why? Promote infantry and tanks to work together in mixed groups.
    Problems; It could get very messy with what bonuses you get and dont get and why... in fact perhaps this idea needs to be simplified before its workable...
  2. NekoBaron

    NekoBaron Member

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    why not just go for like, more squad focus because people need to realise being in squad and close together gives bonuses. You know like how when together in a squad you get an icon?

    I feel new players don't even notice what it does, and on top of that don't realise they missing out on bonuses by not being together because the icon just disappears.
  3. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Fun idea, I like. It is complicated though and I worry just a tad at angry vets yelling at people to be right up each other bums so they can get all the buffs.

    This reminds me though, I notice that squad aura icon fades the further you get from squad lead. I feel like that actually effects how well the buff works,or possibly should, like for engy heal when it starts to fade it takes a little longer for you to regen that 2 hp. I would say if you implemented this suggestion you can have both a hard max buff range and a soft less effective range so it's more apparent when buffs and things start to come and go.

    I kinda also want to say might be good to start simple, like infantry just buffs infantry and vehicles just buff vehicles. Or it's just infantry that buffs but if they hop in a vehicle the range is longer.

    Oh right, neko brings up a good point about squads. I kinda like this though because it can be really hard for a squad to stay together all the time, so this could help people just team work together anyway regardless of squads.
  4. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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    i fear performance hits! xD(if you realy add bonus fields to every player, that means 64 moving radius calculations!)

    the focus should remain on squads!
    so breaking that down and just add an additional squad vehicle bonus with a larger radius should be enough :)
    (regardless if the squadleader is driving or walking ofc!)
    it should also only attach to squadmembers like the already existent perk's

    effect idea specific critic:
    Light tank
    Tanks -> slight armor buff versus infantry = idk but think that there is no difference in "AI/AV armor"! ;-) (taking damage is ofc devided, but you can't buff armor for just one of them i guess)
    Med tank
    Infantry -> Infantry to tank damage buff = only attaches to Grenadier! ;-) (rifles can't harm vehicles)
    Infantry -> more tank damage = again, attaches only to grenadier! (grenades can't have damage buffs btw)
    Infantry -> camera targets = that is in general a feature i would suggest - auto marking targets with binoculars and just call/extramark for specific artillery strikes - displaying a new symbol on the map for artillery drivers and grenadiers
    Tanks -> lower missile lock and track speed for enemies = possibility?^^ (have no idea how the locking actually work)

    to be clear, i like the idea if those boni stay small & attach to sqadmembers only - that can boost teamplay and force ppl to play together! - but tanks are in general already very buffed, so that can only be done if they get reba and nerfed a bit compared to infantry! ;-)
    (infantry often means nothing for a tank! - wich is okay and should be but APC's in contrast are worthless in terms of AI... - also tanks can take much damage from infantry/grenadiers befor they even need to think about retreat! -.-#)
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2016
  5. NekoBaron

    NekoBaron Member

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    I got one idea, under the squad skill icon you put a 4 star bar to represent its strength.

    Squad leader alone is 0 star
    Squad leader and 1 nearby is 1 star
    All 5 together is 4 star

    If anyone in squad is not near leader they would be show the 0 star bonus for them

    At 0 star there would be no bonus and the skill would show as being disabled.
    At 1 star for example engineer regen would be say a low 4 hp per cycle
    At 4 star you get the full streng of regen at 7 hp a cycle, so like 4 + 1 extra each star.

    The idea is you give a general buff for a squad and slightly increase it for being part of a full squad working in the same area.
    BlackRedDead likes this.
  6. Avatarix

    Avatarix Member

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    WTF there is a marker when you are around the squad and when you aren't???
    @NekoBaron this idea is gut, but the stars should fade out when not around the squad, or be transparent
    also we could use these lines connecting people from one squad on minimap to see who is doing things with the squad and who isn't, probably visible on minimap or maximized map
  7. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    I did this a few nights ago, just wait until the upcoming patch everybody.
  8. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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    actually a great idea! :) - that can also help in staying in touch with squadmembers - if that star's are displayed at the bottom-center they can help in identifieing a retreat faster than actually trough chat, minimap or even very few/scarce used voice commands in the heat of a battle (if the stars droping you noted to watch about your teammates^^)
    but the stars should additionally colorcoded, goldstar means that you are in range of squadleader, silver start means only other squadmembers in range ;-)
  9. NekoBaron

    NekoBaron Member

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    Well as far as I know the squad leader cant get a bonus when alone anyway so colouring according to leader or not would be pointless. And the idea of star icons are mostly for simplicity, everyone knows more stars is better plus its a generic icon that could represent anything, could even just reuse the squad star icons.
  10. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    Stars is too pointless seeing as a) the bonus doesn't increase per person in the squad and b) the only relevant thing is someone being close to the squad leader.

    But you're right in that we need a better way to show this
  11. Avatarix

    Avatarix Member

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    What about that WiFi thing? A dot/line with waves going from it outside? Wireless connection to squad leader???
  12. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    draw lines on the floor... if you are in it then you are good to go... kinda like projected virtual reality
  13. Devourawr

    Devourawr Member

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    How about this crazy dot that appears on your screen when you're in range, and disappears when you're not? We'll also what a little diagram of what the do does on the dot. And we'll make the dot a rectangle so it's more visible, and place it under the squad menu so people can associate the two together.
  14. NekoBaron

    NekoBaron Member

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    Well the stars icon was just an idea to encourage more people to say together with their squad leader I know it currently doesn't increase per extra person. It was just a concept to give extra incentive and display it to the player.
  15. Avatarix

    Avatarix Member

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    Well, the lines idea i got from Division or Ghost Recon, in soldier's HUD there are these 'connections' between players to see who's where coverign what place. The lines might break on death of soldier or something
  16. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    holy shit revolutionary
  17. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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    to make things clear - atm we have a passive squad bonus that depends on teh squad leaders class
    this bonus attaches to everyone in the squad, leader too, and i guess regardless how far they are away from each other!

    what i wanted to suggest is to make it emit from the squad leader and give it a range - maybe mg turret range so that the squad still has some room to act indipendently ;-)
    we also don't need an icon, we can use the existing ones and just display it only when in range of the squadleader!^^

    additionally i want to suggest a change in squadmember appearance, atm they get a green box around them and the leader gets a star - i fnd them very irritating because you get them for orders too!
    so what do you guys think about green arrows for BE squads and yellow for NF squads - while the leader still has a green or yellow star :)

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