Well, it depends on if you want to follow what people like or the apparent fluff. Note how be vehicles put you on a diffrent side than the nf ones. That and the fact that be jeeps have steering wheels on the right side would indicate that Imperium follows the british style, while the not retarded faction uses the more widespread right side of the road style. Myself, I find it really awkward to drive the be jeep as it is.
I'm pretty sure that drivers exit on the left side anyway, so personally I'd say it makes sense to go with left hand drive. Though the attachments will have to be changed for it to function right either way, so I guess its up to you. Edit: Just tested the current BE jeep, it throws the driver out on the left side even though its a right hand drive vehicle. Never noticed it before but it's easy to fix.
Well if you're next to a wall its going to throw you out the wrong side because its the only way out, but the default exits just make no sense on the be jeep. CVs have a centered view so it doesn't really matter where it throws you out in respect to the driver. The hatches for the CV are on the top so aesthetically it doesn't matter where you exit. I've changed the default exits on the current jeep now anyway. They're committed in the SVN and should be in the next RC. Hopefully people don't moan about it changing, it just makes sense to have the driver exit on the drivers side...
Back is a bit of a loose term when I don't really have much free time to put towards empires. I've done a little bit today I've made 4 commits to the SVN, mostly just cleanup tasks so I can test my tools work. (and remember what I'm doing) Nothing major: Removing/Recycling useless stuff in materials/models. (Some parallax stuff, some unusable models) Altered the tree model used throughout emp_slaughtered. Added 4 levels of LOD, hopefully this improves performance a little. Removed files from wrong directory... BE Jeep exits flipped: Driver now exits on drivers side by default. Passenger now exits on Passenger side by default. Updated LODs and animations on some palm trees. (common/props_foliage/trees/palms) - Now 4 levels of LOD not 2.
You can change the exits by moving the bones around, right? So assuming I would move the steering wheel to the left, I could easily move the exits to the other side again as well.
Just change the attachments in the .qc file and recompile the sucker. Took me roughly 2 minutes to change it and test. Do you have access to the modelsrc SVN? The .qc is in there if you wanna take a look without decompiling it.
That is one awesome tool. lolz at jeeps back tire treads that have a seam hidden under wheel well while the front tires seems are directly bottom of tires. I forgrive you though since the tool is awesome and the jeep is too.
Yes, I do have access to that, and a I will have a look. Those are only there because one of the seldom instances where Blender didn't do it's job correctly. The tires are actually just a single element, multiplied in an array along one axis and this then bent along a circle. It was supposed to weld the first and last element together, but for some reason it didn't. I just keep it that way because it is non-destructive and allows me to make changes to the tires easily. It will be fixed in the final version.
Okay I managed to do a few more tweaks today on existing models. I have replaced all the imp_crate models with the ones you made back in 2011 f1r3w4rr10r (holy shit 3 years has gone quick). I know you have done another version of it since then but the ones I used were an improvement on the old ones, with regards to appearance and tri count. This includes building crates and crates placed by mappers. Right now I'm just focusing on easy tasks to get me back in the swing of things. Having to relearn a lot of stuff its been that long. Hopefully I'll start on making some new stuff soon.
Guys, sorry to bother you, but what would it take to get a redone version of the current BE barracks? I'm not talking about a true overhaul here with a new scheme like flasche is doing is doing for the NF buildings, but just a clean out of the interior, maybe removing the bunks in favour of perhaps a console or a couple of cryo pods or something instead - heck, just turning the bunks sideways could work. The idea would be to get some more space inside the barracks so it isn't just a slalom for melee upgrade and mines. The BE rax interior has always been cluttered, but it hasn't really been this big of a problem until now. We need more manoeuvring space within.
Regarding the BE Barracks: I noticed, if those windows in the roof where more see-through and provided an easier look to the outside, finding your own orientation at respawn might be much easier. Currently those windows only help orientate when the barracks is close to a mountain on one side.
I actually also had another idea rise up with the recent discussions. I mean your idea is great too, but how about preventing the whole situation all together for both team's barracks? I mean a method of people being able to get out, but not get back inside again. (Not really sure if that should apply to both or only the attacking team.) Think like the spawn points in Planetside 2. The home team is free to get out and back inside. The attacking team can't get inside and nobody can shoot either out of it nor into it. But back to the question: I Don't think it would take much. Just removing the beds probably wouldn't be much of a problem. Removing some of the interior walls (like that little closet) would require a slight bit more work, but not substantially. What I don't know however is if we still have the source files for it. If not, we would have to decompile it and in that case it might be easier to rebuild it from scratch. @wookie: That doesn't really make a difference. My main method to orient myself in barracks is still the mini map. Even if we improve the windows for BE, doesn't fix the same issue in the NF rax.
I've been thinking about it, but the problem is enemies need to get inside the rax in order to stop engies repairing it. Otherwise, each time engineers won't have to worry about being attacked and can repair in peace. This would increase the time needed and strength of the attacks needed to take down a barracks. I was actually leaning more towards a health degen field placed inside the rax, so that enemies couldn't stay there long, but could come in to destroy persistent engies. On the other hand, what about if we just slow enemies down inside raxes? It wouldn't cripple their attack power, but it would stop them running through like wild beasts whacking everything in sight.