What? You want to move to a 3rd clan within just one week? Are you trying to beat Grantithor's record (of course, he KILLED three clans within one week)? Despite my theory on the issue, I'm surprised that people from the "******* was just an annoying little kid" era are still interested in Empires after being inactive for so long. Did every vet just agree to meet up years later? Is this a reunion? Are we going to see CW too? PS: Why are you aware of that post, Cpatton? Are you stalking them? For +5 years?
Hell yea. Also yes, we keep track of other clans. It's part of PSYOPS. We checked out the CW forums too, who exchanged Christmas greetings, but not much else. Although I am still disappointed that they no longer have a javascript portal to their IRC posted on their site (which looks like a slightly improved HTML blog over 4 years ago). Yes, JJ45. AFAIK, was a full she before she left.
FN, how are you relevant to anything? You've inserted yourself in this thread as if we should care simply cause you bothered to post lol. Too bad no one does.
Patton, we need to scrim you. Like, this weekend or some shit. I talked to some relatively new bsid guy about times but he kept saying super late dates 6 weeks in advance. Give us a date yo. EDIT: just read MEG thread. 18th it is.