fn's deathsquad (friends) mission: to crush and slaughter clan rules: all hail lelouch website: none steam page: none friends is a serious empires clan that is composed of like-minded members who agree that im the best leader in empires. friends is available to scrim small matches on a 14 day notice. friends is recruiting, the only requirement is that you acknowledge me as your leader and do as i command. cool people: aridian, asz, bitterjesus, bloodraven, bruce, confucious, cpatton, dizzyone, dubee, extrems, fox, freak, fricken hamster, harryhoot1, hopfi, kayosszero, lawliet, merle, moojooce, moonflute, neoony, nostalgic nonsense, oakwrap, phantom, posthumous, predominance, pwnedyoass, rawr, rehnquist, sanitarium, sprayer, sundiver, unique caliber, varbles, vlam, voodoo, winfantry, youzy
No. Many of those players are already in existing clans. What prevents you from pulling a "consortium", create drama with other clans, and temporarily quit from Empires due to the bad PR? If there is no dual clanning, you may want to reduce that list of yours. PS: Lol, another clique way of putting your alias as a clan's name.
CompanionCube, RoyAwesome, Combat_Wombat, Rolsen, trickster, Rothgar, DeGhosty, Rick, Iselore, steve[UK], Extrems, pastori, brutos, Al3xand3r, Zeta, and Kane are already members. so am I!
All the "cool" people are from consorshum, who are still in the consorshum steam group and would probably still unite the clans, why don't you just reunite consortium instead of making Consortium the Third.
I didn't invite you to Soviet Consortium because I thought you and FN were very close. I guess that isn't the case... I want to see how MAD does against MEG this weekend before I decide on the state of Soviet Consortium.
oh but we are very close. also i wouldn't decide on anything let alone wait, empires is dead. soviet consortium doesn't even exist.
not as large as tricksters though. i remember during vacation some pub noob said trickster wasn't shit and he proceeded to lecture the poor soul about how "i'm the greatest player to ever grace this mod"