Found something cool online, anyone willing to read and analyse this document with me?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by blizzerd, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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  2. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i liked this part "Even though many Muslims enjoy Western pop culture, a clear majority of Muslims in most countries surveyed think that Western entertainment harms morality in their country."

    thats so typically human, "its no problem for me, but it will harm everyone else". in german we call this selbstbild/fremdbild (self-image vs the image others have of you, i didnt find a unique word)

    not going to comment further till im done reading. so far i only see my views confirmed, but i totally see how this can be true for both sides.

    also i wished there was a compareable survey from the 90s, as im damn sure a lot changed from then to now - and not to the better.

    i fail to understand some interpretation of numbers such as "one-in-five Muslims in Albania (46%)" ... 1 in 5 is 20%?

    its also surprisingly funny how some of the "worst" countries have strong economic relations to "us", especially the asian ones, or are even, such as turkey, military allies - they conveniently left out the saudis.

    i only just at page 76, but i already want a comparison with the non-muslim population in the same countires. i also still see no discrepancy between my perception on the matter and this survey.

    but its an interesting read blizzerd, thanks for sharing.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
  3. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    took you awhile to find that source i asked for months ago eh :p

    what a surprise, people have their own ideas on what a random word means (page 44 goes on to show that the majority thinks its only one interpretation!)
    what a surprise, people dont really think about stuff and just repeat things that they hear other say.
    whats funny about this is that it kinda ruins people's whole argument about women being forced to wear the veil by men (sub sahara africa seems to be the only place where a majority dont want women choosing)
    reminds me of the pakistani instagram *star* who was killed by her brother

    everyone just follows what the other person does and says in every single country.
  4. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    social control is strong.
  5. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    Please be mindful that this was a survey where people were asked questions, thus they will give the answer they want to give, not the answer that is the truth.

    for example, i can ask a wife beater 'would you beat your wife if she says she wants to go out with friends' and he may say no, but even if he said no the exact situation could already have led to a beating of his wife.

    Same with the veil, they might believe in a womens right to choose, but as soon as their sister or mother chooses not to wear it they would apply pressure to wear it.
    not saying its like that, just that its one of the broad spectrum possibilities and you should interpret the results as how people want to be seen, not how they are.
  6. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    why post a survey you believe to be just lies anyway? if anything not fitting your perception is because of dishonesty, well what base for discussion is it?
    not saying that there are answers the interviewed only gave because they figured its what the interviewer want to hear.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2016
  7. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    Because its not lies, its data...

    It gives us an interesting view into the mind of the people who are questionnaired here. What made you think i feel this is all 'lies' or 'dishonesty'?

    I wasnt even talking about them answering what the interviewer wanted to hear... they answer what they themselves believe is the 'just' answer from whatever perspective that is... to fit in with the interviewer or to fit in with the prevalent culture or to fit in with their own beliefs and values... its all possible and its all human.
  8. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    but thats a real issue with surveys, you learn about that in introduction to statistics. as said before, social control is strong.
  9. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    Yes, so how did you come to the conclusion that i thought 'it was all lies'?

    I dont, i merely warned complete of the fact that the survey measured peoples opinions in the context of their personal bias... it is not a 1:1 on what they actually will DO in the situation, or sometimes even what they actually believe.
  10. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    if you're just going to disregard anything you dont like then why the fuck discuss it

    the whole "a women should obey her husband" idea has been in america for decades and has only recently ended
    52% of the World’s Evangelical Leaders Believe a Wife Must Always Obey Her Husband. The Unfinished Gender Debate

    it doesnt mean they are going to murder someone. it means they just repeat what they hear
  11. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    You misunderstand, all i want to do is contextualize what a survey is, i don't discard or disregard its results... they are fascinating, but they are not 'all Muslims behave like this' or even 'all Muslims think this'

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