you can also just ctrl + +, or ctrl + mousewheel...I get that its just zoom, but it stretches things nicely Or get a "nosquint" addon (mozilla here) and you can make the text a bit smaller than zoom. Not sure if you can also do it by default without addon, but I guess yes. This is how I got it, 1080p btw 130% zoom 100% text but 120% looks a bit better I would say
I am not really concerned with the text size as it is quite readable for me, however, the forum size in general is quite small. The pictures you show, show the screen size normal for you, as for me they are not. I will take a screen shot as well to show the differences...
use that zoom, it will make everything bigger, not just text Iam just saying that you can set both separately with that addon and also remember settings per website/page. Still that dark theme is much smaller. EDIT: Yeah if i switch to dark theme i have to use about 180% zoom to stretch it for whole screen. For blue 120% is fine. Dark theme with 170% zoom and 70% text: Default 100% zoom and 100% text:
lol thanks for giving me a Netherlands(?) link. I changed it to English though. edit: so I installed it and it automatically sized up the site 40% and its still sorta small. what ever its doing the job though. Thanx.
I dont know why is everything opening in NL language for me for last few days, Iam quite tired of that....yeah I live in NL, but it wasnt as bad before as it is now. Might be because google suddenly decided to be dutch for me even though I set that long time ago on my account...gotta redo it
Awesome! There is settings in the addon though, global and per page. The button for me displays in the bottom right corner, I think I had to set it to display. Probably had to show the bottom status bar and then go customize and add it. (maybe its already added by default, not sure) Show status bar: And then Customize and drag it there. Or to be simple you can always just "Ctrl + Numpad +" or "Ctrl + Mousewheel" as I said But if you set it to more than 150% then you will most probably need to reduce text size, which probably needs to be done from the settings of the addon, or the bottom right button. EDIT: Actually I think i found both shortcuts for the zoom and the text: So "Ctrl + Numpad +" or "Ctrl + Numpad -" for Zoom And "Ctrl + Shift + Numpad +" or "Ctrl + Shift + Numpad -" for text Should work with mousewheel as well instead of numpad +/- So I guess you dont have to mess with getting the addon button to show up.
mine looks different from yours a tad bit. I do not have the per site settings as well as I don't have the scroll bars for adjustment. It does remember the zoom setting for each site though. I can also make adjustments with the + - at the top next to search bar.
Let me go scale it, it's as simple as changing from ~1200px to 70% Sorry I ain't working much here anymore..
Hur dur it wasn't using the questions on registration. Enabled it and maybe it will make a difference now. Annoyingly xenforo only allows the use of questions OR a CAPTCHA and it only randomly selects one question.... I will see how long the spam question works then try Google's CAPTCHA