Mortars. It's fucking annoying to have one bitch on NF decide to make your life hell because he's going to take out two refineries as well as the rax on the hill. And that's all he fucking does the entire game. BE can take out the middle refinery, but unless BE can take over northeast fast enough, NF will siege the hill and BE is powerless to stop it. One grenadier requires consistent repairs, whereas two are bound to take a barracks down extremely quickly. Just something I thought that would be nice to be look at. It's a valid strategy I'm sure, but it's more of a pain in the ass and gives an advantage to NF.
Doesnt seem to be bother me realy seeing as canyong is be biased anyway. If anything, canyon needs a proper redo.
I refuse to go with an invisible wall option, that much has to be clear. I hate invisible walls. But you are right, it is a problem. I'm just not sure how to address it. Canyon has always had balance problems, but I've had mappers working on other things. If the backlog of other map things I want doing gets cleared, then I'll have Canyon looked at, and try to work out how we can improve things.
That would probably fix all mortar related problems without affecting arties. Do the same on slaughtered too because this is a really big dick move and not on of the good dick moves where you are like "I tip my hat for you, sir" but more like saDasdhngnhgnhgnghnasdAssFAGGOT
Also people like canyon because it's an oval. No brains needed, absolutely no strategy, minimal use of tactics. It's one of those dumb people maps which people will kill for to leave it as it is. Edit: For new players, dumb people maps like this are actually a good thing as well, so there are other reasons to keep it simple Edit 2: Trickster, if you give someone the task of redoing canyon, tell him: - to increase the height of the visibility blockers (and the hint texture) so that the orex trees are completely underneath it. Currently their isn't a single group of models that doesn't have the tree tops going above the visibility block, which means ALL tree models are being calculated and drawn entirely even if they're on the other side of the cliffs where you can't see them. Only on a few places will this require the displacements to be changed slightly to cover up the higher nodraw brushes - to simplify the nodraw brushes that block visibility. Actually he can ask mine for that, since i had redone all of that for my retextured version of canyon - that he can remove some ground displacements underneath the cliffs that are not visible in the map, and even more if he's willing to alter some ground displacements slightly I actually got up to a 30% increase in fps after this change, on a empty map that is. The increase will be much lower when the maps starts filling up with players and stuff.
Imo empires has so much depth that another layer on top of it in the form of a complex map is not needed. Complex maps usually only force players to break the game, aka killspawning and the gameplay usually ends up beeing people driving jeeps/apc's in circles and kill the enemy refs with no opposition.
That view is why i can't enjoy empires much anymore. Maps like canyon, cyclopean, coast, slaughtered, ... it's just like playing day of defeat again, just sometimes you're in a vehicle instead of on foot. Pure fps mayhem. After 7 years none of those maps can make me start up empires anymore. They're so utterly boring. I enjoy playing them once in a while but that's about it. When empires was launched (on source, i didn't know it before that), i had such high hopes for it. And by now the game actually does what i want it to do, but the way it's played most actually isn't any different than any average shooter, and equally as boring. I'm a strategy fan, not an fps fan, and to me empires is a strategy game in which real players can take the roles of the units. To me that is pure awesome. To everyone else though, empires is call of duty with vehicles and a commander they don't listen to cause they're busy playing call of duty. Where is the time we were drawing our strategies on map layouts on the cw forum right before a clan battle. Nowadays it's just "Alpha north, Bravo south and Charlie middle" And without enough players, there won't be new clans, there won't be new clanwars, and empires will remain call of duty: the vehicle edition
im pro at finding advantages to use on maps. =)... i dont really see a problem, since im really the only person that does this. its a boring job that im willing to do. hell, you might as well change slaughter too, because BE has a disadvantage =). i can wipe out half a BE base with mortars as long as NF holds the choke.
Likewise, you can wipe out all of S-Bend as BE with a mortar from the chokepoint. I still find it to be a pretty bullshit tactic, and by no means are you the first to do it.