So uh, who's your favorite commander and for what reason? Is it the sound of their voice? the gimmicky way they type? How they interact with their teams? Intensity, passion? Who's your favorite comm?
Apwall21 due to his mature personality, flawless strategies and the ability to stay cool under pressure.
Cpatton. No matter how small the chance of winning is (even when the game is heavily stacked against his team), he always manage to do amazing boomtanking which makes his team win.
Omneh. He knows exactly what he's doing and makes the right decisions constantly. Also his internet is pro.
My favorite (Quit a while back) was Jephir. He was awesome at commanding and could rally an entire team into coordination and win in the slimmest of chances.
gota hand it to Hitler. NO other man on this earth could have turned a small crappy place into such a power house of kick ass that almost took over the world. Comparatively thats like Hawaii taking over all of America and Africa.
Being isolated in the middle of the pacific is very different from being smack in the center of Europe. Naruto4Lyfe is the best comm