Ok, so, I'm closing this project down. I don't have the time now, and it's the summer. So there's no way I'll ever have the time. Besides, mostly I don't want to deal with it anymore, and it's not really a feasible thing after all. Like communism. Great on paper, in practice, not so much.
Steamworks will probably be the answer...but if you aren't ready to be a community/clan leader, it probably won't work either way.
You guys just can't stand up to the responsibility, can you. Starting a project always seems like great fun, but it's the continuation that sucks, because the innovation wears off, and all you have is work.
Well, I have more of a life than most of the people who play Empires. If anyone DOES have more time than I do and would like to take up the reigns, contact me. I think Aeoneth was interested.
I was starting to write the ultimate guide too. Something of a knock-off of Bitters. I think I was the only person that posted strats anyways :\
Strae, I'd be able to do a lot because I'm on the computer more than 10 hours a day. But I can't pay for a site or anything, so if I can team up with someone else I could help with it...a lot.