I've made posts on each clan's forums (except JPL atm) asking for Instructors and an Ambassador. They are separate roles... I've listed out the ranks on the website. I'll start to try recruiting in servers. If anyone knows any new players please forward them to me. My Steam friends name is Xaimon_Straevaras The more support you guys give the better the chance this has at succeeding!
Unless somebody would like to take the reins, I've decided not to do this anymore. Although I have plenty of time this week for this, there's no way I'll have time to do this normally. Plus, while I think this would normally work, I've come to think that Empires doesn't have a large enough player base for it. So go ahead with the "I told you so"s. :p
Wasn't the main thing with this to get more people to understand the game, thus generating more players? And how many noobs to you need to help one?
Well, if it were summertime, I'd stick with it. But school takes up so much time as it is, I'd never get anything accomplished. Meh, like I said, if anyone's interested in taking the reins, go for it.
2.23 killed any chance of getting a serious number of new players. the installer doesn't even bloody work. with a more stable and normal version, there'd be enough players. Also we'd need a server, or just an admin on one that's not used much. so, i'd do it if we had these. otherwise, not much can be done.
We could probably serve a passive role in the community, releasing educational material for players and emp_recruits.
Why not wait for the new release, or the one after it? This was a good initiative, and you've gone as far as anyone i've seen, even as far as getting other clans involved and forums up...now you're just going to give up? Say you're going to put it on hold mebbe, no one expects it right now, it's going to be gradual at the very least.
I'll put it on hold. It's not that I don't want to do it, it's just it takes a bit of time to work on.
Just creep it forward in your spare time, prepare it for the next release. As always, willing to help in any way.
I could probably do some videos for the next release as a sort of 'sup here's empires, here is what to do' newb thing.
It's summertime and were ramping up the workload. I've started a project for the Field Manual. It will eventually cover everything that any new player will need to know, in video. People new to this game don't want to have to read a wiki before they play, they would rather get into the game and start playing. Video tutorials will help this issue. Please forward any new players looking for help/instruction to me. Also if you're interested in helping the cause, please contact me as well. Regards, -Strae [http://forums.empires-academy.com]