I skimmed through, nice walls of text Dizzy If things are moving several hundred points in a game, you either have 30+ deaths with no kills or there's a bug. I'll give the same example (if bug free) I gave Trickster. If I have a rating of 200 and he has a rating of 600 and we start 1v1, it would take 44 times of us killing each other (me one kill, him one kill) before our scores were equal. I would take me killing him 23 times in a row before our scores were equal. There are cvar settings that may not be set to the correct values, or there may be bugs. Also, you can't take those two screens Dizzy and say "look these are 'both equal' according to the system" because one was actual ratings, and one was ratings after one of the most hardcore rape scenes ever to grace an empires server. It was illustrating the point of a drastic steamroll, and how the system would respond.
They were both during the start and the ratings weren't much off from what you'd see now on the cluster. The only thing I didn't show in those pictures was that there were a few players still unassigned, mentioning that wouldn't disprove my point.
No, they were not both during the start, the first screen is the start of the first "game" and the second is the start of the second "game". Had the first game not been so unrealistically lopsided, the balancer would not have suggested such a drastic number stack to adjust. They are incredibly different ratings than what you'd see right now on the cluster. For example, highest rating after (again) a way lopsided game was Pickled in mid 400's, right now point leaders in cluster are over 1,000.
Alright, then lets imagine the current point leaders in that graphic, NF has 3*1000 points, point gap would be 3000*1.2. What's the difference?
You're not dragging me back in to this. It's clear to me you either just want to argue or want to be right regardless of data provided, and either way you're on your own.
I agree with dizzy completley. I'd say you guys are wasting your time with this. Games are balanced already when admins are present. Stats never lead to team work. what? is that like my ranking? See the thing with me is I kill people and tanks that absolutely need to be killed. I may get less points then a rifleman but everything I do helps my team extremely towards a victory and that won't show up as skill.
The balancer currently says you're one of the least skilled players in the cluster. 132 is far below average. I see, so the 18 min presentation must not have explained the system at all, since you've explained that 1000 means they're worth more than 400. But I guess that if I'm wrong in concluding that, your presentation must not have explained the balancer you've been working on.
I guess I am pretty bad since I only kill level 3 mgs so my entire team can move up and I only kill more forward barracks than anyone. Oh and save our commander when hes walled in and dead. Oh or when I stop an entire enemy rush by taking out the bridge. But that's not skill rite? Laying down with an hmg killing people who get revived on maps that have 400 tickets is what real skill is.
Meh, he is new, if he wants to he can put his effort on something which fundamentally will never work as intended. The system will never be able to measure true skill. It wont be a new 2.2 empires fucketry which affect the players at the very least since its not enforced on servers, lets be thankfull for that. Ofcourse it will slow down the development of the things the playerbase actually give a damn about, but let him waste his time, he will probably learn something from it. Lets just hope that in a near future he realise that it simply wont work
This thread must have hit a record somewhere down the line, 22 pages and it's still on-topic. I personally believe more people need to be informed on the horrible system their favourite server(s) is considering to adopt. I won't close it, but you might be able to get someone else to close a thread for no good reason.
The only thing that's horrible is your understanding of the plugin, your understanding of the difference between alpha code and final releases, and your interperetation of what the servers are doing. And because you're not alone, this thread really should be closed. Slip your last word in and lock it plox.
People should really be informed of your complete and total ignorance of this system. You, pickled and Zeke have been whining about a system you don't even understand, a system that should have NEVER been public. I am not going to repeat myself again, as you simply wish to continue a pointless destructive discussion.
So if I get this straight, I don't understand the system, I don't understand the difference between alphas and final releases, I'm ignorant. Butthurt much? The only unconstructive criticism is coming from the two of you. The system is in alpha guys! We're allowed to ignore cold heart facts! With years of tweaking we can fix anything! It's alright guys, we don't understand the system, let the big boys handle it from here.
Yeah I was trying. It doesn't really matter, I got the answers I needed, what happens with the alpha doesn't matter.
Yeah dizzy is right. We are trying to point out flaws in the system and show that skill cannot be picked up by just numbers and wins in a game like empires. I am ranked as one of the least skilled!