Same as Paradox. I might be writing my story, being so sick I can't aim, or simply not giving a flying fuck. I do wanna play though
EnT won, ringers or not. Paradox is right in that we did use commie and security in our first scrim. While their ringers are subtantially better, it makes no difference. They won, fair and square. Round 3. No ringers. 16v16. Someone elses server.
You guys understand that these "Scrimmages" are by definition practice games. Especially since Empires has no competitive scene to it. Drama over practice is highly overrated.
By those definitions all you need for shit to get real is prize money. Empires could do that if we had some kind of clan league with an entry fee, but realistically I can only see two teams entering.
Wasn't me saying that, was grant and you used commie???? And next skrim I'll actually be there to organize it