We had a scrim, EnT won the only round because everyone kind of ragequit the second round. First scrim I've ever had genuine fun in, but it was kind of stupid seeing as how EnT was Frankensteined together. Good scrim but ringers kind of ruins the value of the victory for me. Also classic comm-vote-bitch-off drama. some pics:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1034763/Demos/entandcovsmeg1.7z Spec demo done by me, some shitty commentary done over text. It's still uploading at time of posting.
If you think having Reznov and Herbie ruins the game for you, trust me in that it's much worse on the receiving end.
I built a level 3 turret that killed like 10 people. Who got out of a parked APC next to it. While I was on the other side of the map. Seriously what the fuck did you guys do next to that turret?
See me mvping over reznov and herbie with engi :p @Predator, the skrim was shit organized by my part since I accepted it and didnt really organize, couldn't do it since I didnt have a computer the week before. @Devourawr , the ringers helped us, but stating they contributed 50 percent of the 100 total, is bullshit. btw respect to the legions who helped us out, + asz I love you for being so awesome.
Watch the demo and watch Reznov do better than both your squads by massacring 20 players in the first few minutes. I don't want to get too far into this but they really are out of the leagues of both MEG and EnT and to say they didn't carry your entire team is just downright lying. We tried to have another round without those two but you told everyone to ragequit instead of playing without ringers. You had online EnTs yet still used ringers over clanners. That's all I'm going to say on this topic.
we had ents online, but they couldnt actually play I told you. And I have bragging rights tbh. 2 points moar then reznov YEAH xp W/E devourawr the skrim wasnt really superserial imo. we didnt even plan anything out we just joined and played;
and tbh reznov wouldnt be owning your squads if it wasnt for the squad he was in that reved him squad healed and squad reved him. Teamwork I call it.
Ok why don't I go ahead and settle this dispute by saying that it gets back at MEG for using 2 jpls and Security on District on the last scrim when WE had a full genuine team. Asz doesn't count as a ringer, because hes a general commander player. Don't talk about it, problem is over, maybe next time we'll both be able to scrim with genuine teams.
Im gonna get back toyou pretending you'reakorean fucking wowgold seller 1 hour before scrim... Bitch failed by being signed in on emp forums.
people were just away or computer had crashed like moonie, I'm on steam when ever I'm on my computer, that doesn't mean I can play.