They repair tanks way to fast, you can be fighting a gren, duck behind a rock, and be fully repaired before the gren has time to move around to flank. Repairs should either be done only by repair bay or much slower by engineer.
Its a weird way to fix it won't make sense to newer players but better than nothing and should be 10s IMO.
Agree 100%. The problem is even worse than you describe. Engineers can even jump out during combat, use the tank as a shield from enemy fire, and repair in the middle of getting shot at. Shit gameplay IMO. This is easy to fix in the scripts and I was considering stealth nerfing engineer repair rates to armor while nobody was looking. Maybe there'll be enough support to make it happen anyway.
I agree with lower repair rate for engineer and faster repair rate for repair pad. But don't like the suggestion that you need to wait 5 seconds till repair. Engineers which repair their tanks in the middle of the battle are an easy target. And its a good way to support tank battles as infantry. Edit: Maybe reduce tank repair rate to 50% of current value, when nobody is driving the tank.
Yeah people don't realize whats going on until you have armor detect on and get into a tank fight with someone who knows how to play. 90% of tank drivers will be engineers. They hit a mine, get out, repair and get points. They get into a fight lose armor on one side turn away from the enemy repair that side(more repair points)all the while the enemy is getting over heated. He hops back in his fully repaired tank and kills the over heated enemy. This has to change.
Nobody would repair anyone else's tanks if it took significantly longer than it did now, though, for two reasons. First, sitting their using your engie tool is boring. And second, the tank you're repairing is probably going to drive away... The problem is that we want to encourage engineers to repair other people's tanks, but discourage them from just focusing on repairing their own. I suppose lowering the rate when there's nobody in the tank is one option, but it feels so unintuitive... Another option would be to make it so anyone who is repairing a tank takes a percentage of the damage inflicted on any side of the tank, through feedback or however you want to put it.
I like this, like in BF you don't get points for repairing empty tanks. It encourages team work and those lone wolfs get less points. Where as in this game those lone wolfs will get killed like they should.
No it's not. I don't care if someone repairs his own fucking tank. I care that he can repair it faster than a grenadier can physically deal damage to it. Fuck all this teamwork bullshit. There is a fundamental problem with game mechanics if someone, whether or not they are the owner of the tank, can sit outside of a tank while it is being shot with heavy DU (one of the highest DPS weapons in the game) from 30 meters away and out-repair the damage it deals. Yes, I've done this... I know it can be done.
If engy repairing of tanks get nerfed, then repair pads NEED to remove the bio effect at the very least. As it is now the only way to counter it is to have 2 engies humping you until it wears off. Personally, I would like to see the repair pad buffed in general though.
Repair upgrade should not work on tanks. Problem would be solved imo. Also bio should disappear on repair pad, immediately. None of this waiting crap (yes I know that's the "can't repair if being damaged" thing).
Make engineers repairing tanks practically useless in a battle (make them repair at the current repair pad rate) and give the repair pad the repair pad rate of the current repair engineer.
Repair bay repairs hull very quickly, while engineers do not. That said, if you're an engineer you probably won't let yourself be brought down to hull. They hardly do it now as things are, unless one of them has dedicated himself as base bitch. On the other hand, forcing engineers to build a repair bay if they want quick repairs will benefit everyone, without having to bet on the gratuity of human beings.
I think engineer repair speed to hull should be increased but repair speed to armor should be decreased for sure. Whenever I'm in tank combat I always jump out of my tank to repair myself mid combat, there is simply nothing the enemy can do about it. They cannot kill you fast enough with their anti vehicle weaponary, and if they do jump out to shoot you most of the time your on the opposite side of your tank or they simply cannot pull out their gun aim and fire faster than you can simply press e to jump into your tank. But I do think repairing hull takes a rediculous ammount of time. Armor is too ez.