Lol. I wrote a whole lot but I finally managed to sum up what I meant; I was suggesting to Angry that if he can't flesh out the story using description (like you do), dialogue can be used as an alternative (which he has already done). At least I think that i've said what I mean...I can't really be sure as it's 4:48am and my brain is fried.
Woo, Just finished up the header for chapter two. I think I'm gonna hold off on doing chapter 3 for abit.
Damn that's great! :eek: That's what we need to go alongside the story - individual journals. Keep up the good work!
No one told me, the past 20 comments have been completely off topic I didn't get any feedback what so ever.
Lies! I said this at least.. I read the story twice, once while half drunk once while not. I'm not very good with suggestions because I end up suggesting things I like and pointing people in the direction I would like to see them go, rather than where they were going.
Sorry if it came over like that. I just meant that we had read it and that it was good and that...well that was all really
Hmm... Just got a hold of Chapter 3 again, still stuck on writing it, when I extract if from the computer I'll bring it home and finish it. It's twice as long as chapter 2, combat etc.