This is true. I am not a mapper but I have just checked Hammer (I used to know it as WorldCraft - but thats now full of Dwarfs) and notice (from opening in notepad)that the VMF files are saved in text format similar to CSS (cascading style sheets) in a sort of XML style structure. As emp_octagons uses (hexagon) tessellation it should be really easy to write a script that automatically produces the correct offsets and sets the correct entity properties. What I might try to do is create one block with working outputs and entities - take the code to it from opening the VMF in notepad - use a while loop in php to multiply it for me making the necessary offsets and name changes. This should allow me to create a huge, perfectly aligned grid with working properties for each block. I will then paste this back into the VMF file - and open in hammer to compile. As well as allowing huge brush multiplication, the above technique should also allow you to write and multiply ridiculously complicated arrays of entities to make really interesting maps. This is just a theory... but I cant see why it wont work.
BlueSky, when did you learn to smart? I thought you were just the fag that jeeps everywhere and gets killed by my RPG/stickybomb every time D:
apparently real life intelligence has nothing to do with ingame intelligence which explains alot in empires.
Octagons are polygons. A polygon is a flat, two dimensional object. 3-dimensional solids bounded by polygonal faces('sides') are known as polyhedra. If anything it might be called an octahedron, but that doesn't really work either as the name octahedron is reserved for one of the platonic solids. If you extrude a regular n-gon along its normal into a 3-dimensional object you get a solid known as an n-gonal prism. Your map is full of hexagonal prisms, but no octagons unless one is hiding in the skybox or something.
Further there are only three regular polygons capable of regularly tiling the plane; the square, the equilateral triangle and the hexagon. Other regular n-gons can tile the plane only in combination with other n-gons; such tilings are known as semiregular or demiregular tilings. One of the prettier semiregular tilings is the 4.6.12 truncated trihexagonal tiling, which consists of squares, hexagons and dodecagons.
Shandy, will we ever become king of the octagonicon mountain cascade collider in the center with the music?