The pic should be working now. It took a bit a fiddling. Anyway, that specific scenario is impossible now.
(burn him at the stake) Well that's a shame then. I guess we'll never see any octagons again ever. At least we have my hexagons, though.
At all points in time greater than the one in which it was available for download. Which is to say, since I posted this thread.
Shhh.. don't tell anyone, that is the new anti-hobbes bar developed by the top brenodi research facility.
Blizzy, I know youve been out for a bit, so you dont know the newest fashion around here, so let me inform you,that the newest trend is to never give any critisism is any form, but the extremely positive, lest someone might feel insulted his work is not perfect.
They were extreme exaggerations. It's only 9,000% less crap looking. It actually has infinity% more lighting, as it had none before.
Ive always been here, merely observing, or guiding from the hidden hand... But as the years went on, I noticed Empires-mod troubled holding its metaphorical "little shits" together... needed more then guidance, it needed divine intervention... My personal intervention... So now I have returned, reborn anew and ready to interject unwanted opinions, to critique the uncritiqueable, to defend the illogical, to agree to the selfcontradistinctional, to belittle the admirable but most importantly to create and/or shoot down shitty suggestions in the suggestions fora. Also because someone turned the nfhr to an autoshotty. Additionally, i like to state fuck your PC notions of conversing on-line... That part of me died in my last relation...