fuck anyone who gets all pissy about their maps getting fixed when they dont want to work on it anymore. is this some sort of a gay ego problem with mappers or is it stupid tradition? i think im going to have to take a random map and fix it, release it on the forums and then laugh at the whiney mapper who gets all offended. everyone is welcome to work on my map.
You can't make changes without the .vmf. Sounds like pickajoe lost it, so it would have to be remade. I don't like decompiling, so I ignore that option. So many issues with decompiling a map rather than getting the original.
The only reason we fussed at you was because at the time I already had a new version in the works. But sadly a month or two later my hard drive crashed and took all my maps with it. If anybody wants to update/fix this map they are more than welcome to, it needs some work done on it.
The .vmf will look nice, but anything more complicated than emp_moors is going to need you going over it with a fine-toothed comb.
I don't get why people bitch so much about decompiling, I for one have never had ANY issues with decompiling.
It's disrespectful to the one who made it IMO. If they don't want to give me the vmf, I'll move on. Even if its just for an example.
but i would disrespect ppl that wouldnt let me decompile their map for educational purpose. so its ok ... using someone elses work without thier permission also is ok if the mapper is long gone and ofc you should always name the original creator and at best thank a million guys. thats how i see it, but im too lazy anyway
I don't see how it is disrespectful to decompile a map in order to see how it is made or to fix bugs.
Having permission and not having permission. One is fixing, one is stealing. I won't touch a map unless I made it or I have the blessing of whoever currently has the rights to it.
i was pining for this today and reread thread....seems picka has given permission to anyone to fix, so....did anyone decomp the map? if not, what is the latest version and who has it? found ob2 version by scardybob on fpsbanana...is that latest comp?
Err, I have an ob1 on the server, idk if I ever got round to ob2, although I might have that too. All I know is, it has a few problems, but they're fixable. I'll check tomorrow and find out what's wrong with the current version and how fixable it is. We never tested gameplay because I think it had missing textures/models.
well found this, but havent tried it yet, but scardy seemed to know how to compile, so the map probly works. http://www.gamebanana.com/empires/maps/127051
He recompiled all those maps without testing, a lot still had problems, only about 60% of the maps he recompiled worked properly.