Name: Emp Cannon Current Version: beta 8b Description: The Northern Faction has gained a beachhead on a secret Brenodi island. The Northern Faction has discovered a secret weapon that the Brenodi empire is developing. Destroy the weapon and the Brenodi base. edit2: version beta8b is here! edit: emp cannon has been released for everyone on this forum to test! please download the zip file and give me comments that will help to further improve the map. download Changelog vbeta8b: (vbeta8a was not publicly released) -changed from day to night -added more lights in brenodi underground complex -added a second force field at the opening of brenodi underground complex -added 2 "In case of emergency break this glass" with a button inside of each to disengage the forcefield from the outside. (only brenodi can break) -increased the size of the second floor -added trigger hurt in water to prevent ppl from going too far out -fixed 3dskybox not aligning with the map -fixed the buildable door remaining solid after being destroyed -changed resolution of minimap from 512x512 to 1024x1024 -modified the refineries in the brenodi base to give more res faster than any other res point in the map -rescaled the bridge texture Changelog vbeta8: -added "windows" or camoflaged (sp?) openings in the walls for infantry to shoot at enemies -added second floor -added underground complex in brenodi empire -added forcefield to protect imp cv -moved imp barracks into underground complex -added paved areas for easy building -changed outer wall texture -added pre-built armory in brenodi underground complex -changed nf armory to be pre-built -flattened brenodi base. -changed the door to be able to be built or destroyed -increased the size of the 3d skybox -modified the land underwater so that it would be deeper -decreased the amount of water under the map -fixed a "hole" in the land -changed the glass in the gate control room so that it respawns after 60 seconds Whats left to do: -make cannon in separate pieces for smoke and fire -"hang" some brenodi flags to some of the walls -listen to more suggestions What the map currently features: -A fully destroyable emp cannon -small underground complex containing a barracks, armory, and imp cv (with forcefield protection). -destroyable sectioned walls with "windows" -a buildable working door -pre-spawned lvl 3 turrets -paved area inside imp base -"second floor" area inside imp base. -internal walls to hide behind inside imp base. -ramps to get to the top of walls and "window" area -plenty of rocks, trees and cover for the nf to hide behind. Vbeta8b Screenshot: vbeta8 Screenshots: scr4 vbeta7a Screenshots: scr1 scr2 scr3 scr4 comments and questions are welcome.
Aside from the cannon, this looks pretty good! Though as I said, the cannon is not much to look at :/ Maybe somthing a bit more... Bigger? and maybe half concealed underground, with a complex underneath which would have to be destroyed/captured so you have an infantry section as well. Having just beaten the Imperials on DoW DC, I think power cores would be a good idea as well. (Ok maybe not power cores, but some sort of electricity grid or somthing/
Have to agree with the cannon comment. It looks like a microphone jammed onto a giant stone rectangle. Maybe make it specifically for 1.08, and attach it to something like radar. Then for the NF to win they have to sabotage it. Edit: Another thing that would be cool is if it was actually controllable. Not sure how that would work, but in HL1 there were control panels with 3 buttons, and a screen showing the area the weapon could hit. on the screen there were also 2 bars, controlled by 2 of the buttons. You had to use 2 of the buttons to make the bars move, one horizontal, one verticle. You cad to make them intersect to aim it, and then you pressed a button to fire it.
yes, thats the point i was trying to get across with the two screenshots that when you build them they build up. and that i added the ability to get on top of the wals.
I see them. But it still looks rather plain. If its a super weapon, make it somewhat futuristic. Make it something that actually looks intimidating. If I was to see that, I would not think "oh shit its a cannon," I would think "this is a threat? now where did I put that charge..." edit: I edited my last post while people were replying, may be good to reread it.
i think i need to retake the first screenshot because apparently you cant see the energy core in the middle of the cannon.
I think it's just the general shape that looks plain. Personally I think the walls to the base look dull. You could add some sort of design to make them less plain.
For the walls, maybe add a intricate support structure. An the cannon should look intimidating, and until it does, I will repeat this sentence at the end of each post in this thread.
i updated the cannon again. after I fix some of the land formations (because some of them still look pointy) i will make a forum release for all to inspect and give me their input. I am striving to make this default-map worthy, so i need your honest opinions with something other than, "This sucks"
i like the map layout alot, the only problem i have (and it appears the problem others have too) is that the walls of the base and the cannon itself look plain. my suggestion for the walls. put some dirt on the walls, mabey [according to firefox this is not a word btw] a few bullet holes or explosion scruffs; i know its supposed to be the NF's first assault on the cannon but make it look like it took a small beating from a gun ship or something (the ruins from sandstorm come to mind). layout: part of the problem may be the perfect square shape of the defenses. im a d&d dm, and when trying to make maps feel more real i try to divide up the building (in this case court yard, but same thing really) into divisions that i think it would have. with that in mind, throw up some partial walls inside or have some sort of entrance into an underground base (make it purely cosmetic if you want, but just have the impression there) the cannon: again, too 'clean.' try to give it a WWII/gritty/almost-steampunk look by having it throw out some smoke, or exposed pipes leading down into the ground, or like it was thrown up in a hurry (yours has me think of phantom menace naboo star-fighters, when original trilogy tie-fighters would fit better). and again, imply that there is some great underground structure/powersource. comm vehicle: if BE can't build then the com needs to be taken out, and if they can then it should be hidden (mabey put it inside the cannon with a fake wall so ppl can enter/exit) good points: i love the map style (an escort with more freedom) and story. the general layout is also kickass. i honestly cant wait for your forum beta. question: i see both resource nodes and flags, what is the deal with building for the BE and NF? edit:wow, i used a d&d and a star wars reference in the same post...
the cannon itself looks much better, but the little building under it (is it the control center?) is still rather plain and blocky. Make it less square, and multi tiered. perhaps add diagonal supports that reach from the ground to the top. It needs to look intimidating and powerful. The cannon its self looks sweet now, but a little on the sci-fi side, like a Halo 2 energy sword. maybe is just the cruddy monitors at school.
No, not walls. just a long steel beam that reaches to the ground. something like /[_]\ / [_] \, where the \ and / are like rods instead of walls. Edit: the cannon its self is good, but a bit too sci-fi. the purple metal and blue energy field looks right out of Halo 2. it just needs a colour change. Maybe blue metal and a bright white field.