By: complete_lamer SEE emp_eastborough_rc2 -In Your Steam Directory Description: A non-linear infantry only conquest map. Take the flags to drain the enemies reinforcements. Each flag is -1 ticket per second for the enemy and +1 ticket per second for you, and matches should ideally last ~20 minutes. Walls and Turrets up to LVL 1 are enabled. Walls are disabled in buildings, small alleys, and on building ledges. Turrets are disabled in buildings, and around stairs. Screenshots: Minimap Gallery Known Bugs: People are stupid and don't know how to play (No solution). When capped flags are even between the two teams, one ticket is added every 30 seconds (Result of weird Hammer math). To Do: Flying aircraft that shakes your screen. Special Thanks: Many thanks to Keef for optimization and fixing south flag and Deadpool for the map description. Feel free to report exploits, bugs, or anything you think is odd.
more like westboro ------ Archive: DOWNLOAD emp_eastborough -Beta 1: Dropbox -Beta 2: Dropbox -Beta 3: Dropbox -Beta 4: Dropbox -Beta 5: Dropbox -Beta 6: Dropbox -RC 1: Dropbox -RC 2: Dropbox -.vmf (b1 to rc2): Dropbox Old Screenshots: Minimap (Beta 1) Minimap (Beta 3) Minimap (Beta 4) Minimap (Beta 5) Gallery1 (Beta 1) Gallery2 (Beta 2) Gallery3 (Beta 3) Gallery4 (Beta 4) Gallery5 (Beta 5) Changelog: Beta 1 ------ Initial Public Release Beta 2 ------ Optimisation (Thanks Keef!) South Flag now Works (Thanks again Keef!) Fixed Missing Textures Fixed 2 Exploits Added Cover in North (for idiots sake) Added a Couple Medium Crates in Middle Added Small Crates in Small Alley near North New Window for Shooting in Building near NF Start (see above) Beta 3 ------ Environment color changed from orange to blue Changed locations of ammo boxes on each flag Both buildings on Intersection flag spawn infantry Added crates near Intersection flag Minor change on I.C.A. Building flag Remade building next to I.C.A. Building flag New spawn for Parking Lot flag More exits for Parking Lot flag spawn Parking Lot flag surrondings changed Building replaced on west street Added extra crate in middle Many aesthetic changes Added a info_player_start Beta 4 ------ New map description (Courtesy of Deadpool) Lowered tickets from 5000 to 4000 Re-did brushwork on I.C.A. Building Flag Increased spawn area on Murren Building Flag Added extra exit on Murren Building Flag Increased height on the sides of bridge Minor adjustments to Parking Lot Flag Minor adjustments on the west side street Increased size of north alleyway Added crates to north alleyways Changed barrier model Menu thumbnail added Built cubemaps Beta 5 ------ Added new flag "Priority Avenue" to west New ticket bleed system Reduced tickets to 1000 Minor adjustments Increased fun Beta 6 ------ We don't talk about 5 Release Candidate 1 ------ Official Release Release Candidate 2 ------ Changes to MURREN building flag Minor adjustments Increased fun
Wait. What the fuck? Lamer? Mapping? What? Anyway, looks pretty nice, but I fucking hate the floating flag icons.
I'd also like to point out that we have plenty of conquest maps that we never play. While I admire the effort lamer, why make another?
is there any other kind? played a 20v20 game on viper. it was totally fun because the other ones had fatal flaws that made them disliked
we have like one conquest map that we dont play... emp blast? what else is there? was a lotta fun lamer
Because we need more conquest maps which are balanced and fun to play. Let's make lists of conquest maps which fulfill these conditions: Balanced: emp_district emp_escort emp_vehicletraining emp_urbanchaos emp_shadows Fun to play: emp_district emp_escort emp_vehicletraining emp_urbanchaos emp_shadows I don't know anymore how this town was called with flags as vehiclespawners... it was neither fun nor balanced. @lamer: u so much. I'm gonna let you cyberhump me the next time we meet ingame.
First who's we? because you dont play Empires. Second Complete's map is different, it's not a 1 way conquest map like the others, you dont just clusterfuck about 1 chokepoint, in his map there's no chokepoint everyone spawn anywhere and kills you from anywhere. It's like blast but outside, we needed a map like that. Now about the map, Remove walls and maybe turrets. It's a great map but honestly it's not really looking nice so a bit more visual effect wouldn't hurt, I think it's your first map so it's just good enough for a first map. Now to by honest I dont like infantry maps and I think they should be banned from Empires but this one is better than most of the other infantry maps That would be emp_break
I heard a couple complaints about lag the other day. Does anyone want to teach me optimisation? (All I did was place a hint brush over top the map)
Beta 2 ------ Optimisation (Thanks Keef!) South Flag now Works (Thanks again Keef!) Fixed Missing Textures Fixed Exploits Added Cover in North (for idiots sake) Added a Couple Medium Crates in Middle Added Small Crates in Small Alley near North New Window for Shooting in Building near NF Start (see above) Download in OP You can have an infraction for smartassery along with delete if you want to join his 1337 crew.