I'm working on a new map I call Emp_Dominate. The idea behind the map, is that each team is under a huge mountain. The mountain divides the two teams bases. The top of the mountain over looks eachs teams base, and has several resource nodes. The position of the mountain and the bases would prevent tansk from directly assaulting them (ornates would fly right over the bases). The mountain has a huge entrance on the west side, wheras each team starts at the east side. Diving the north and south of the entrance is another small mountain, which has a water-filled cavern inside it, to which there is an entrance on the south and north for each time. To the very east of the map, is a small easy-access passage to the NF and Brenodi bases. This means teams will have to defend the west, and South/North east. Here is my very basic layout: Comments, please!
It seems like a neat idea, with the mountain as a basic anti-rush object, but the picture you posted isn't helping me visualize what is on the western side of the map :/ Also, what's going to be around the mountain? To prevent people from seeing the end of the map or whatever... maybe a forest?
My MS paint skills arn't very good indeed. Basically, the mountain on the west is just a small little mountain, and the blue oval-like objects are small lakes which lead inside the mountain, forming a cave that has an entrance on the South, North, and Eastern side of it. I put it this simply because, if there was nothing blocking that path, teams would just fight each other without going for the main mountain resources. However, if I put nothing there, it's a bit dull and tiresome, knowing that the enemy is on the other side but you cant do anything about it. So I feel that a cave inside would allow players to engage in small combat (there wouldnt be room for tanks), cool terrain, and allow for suprise ambushes from behind, if one team is advancing to the eastern part of the mountain without defending the cavern. As for the terrain "outside" the map, I'm thinking just small glassland with a few small mountains, much like in the map Duststorm (I think its duststorm? the one with the ruins on the southeast). I was also going to add an ocean above NFs base, but I'm reconsidering that, as it might cause alot of lag. Edit: Southeast, not southwest
looks like a big alien ! , oh also carefull just like said by mr bojangles... its tuff to do stuff like this because of the visplane distance... i had the same problems with my slaughtered map... thought i would allow everybody to walk all over but turned out that vis distance is a huge hog... good luck tho i found ways around it im sure you will too
How much time did u really spend "planning" this map? I suggest you take at the VERY LEAST fifteen minutes and draw every ramp, landmark, and choke point, and think of the different ways a battle could pan out, as well as possible exploits and balancing. you dont want to ruin a map by allowing one side to use a "cheap" tactic. I'm not saying a map idea like this wont work, im just saying it looks like you need to spend a little more time and detail on your concept.