Instead of ladders, make small bunkers with concrete stairs inside them? With no windows to shoot outside, so people don't camp in them.
Like the bridge pillars in Arid? I could do that. But to be honest i see no real reason to not use ladders. There's very few areas from where you can attack the people climbing up, and the extra ways up are only to reduce walking distance for infantry below, not to make it easier to invade the middle higher area. The middle area can already be attacked from 8 different places, if i add 2 more ways up that's 10 attack paths, which doesn't make me feel like i should make it even easier by protecting the climbers.
Don't use ladders because it's easier to detect stairs, and easier to use, and easier to attack at stairs than at ladders.
Hmm sorry the way i read your post was that you wanted to have bunkers, and that the stairs you mentioned were just an example. I'll think about it. Stairs are often better yes. If i do, would you object to simple wooden stairs without real extra protection? They'd be decent in size and visibility, just looking more natural than more concrete would do.
I was just thinking that the bunkers would look like they would fit in the environment. But sure, wood stairs could work, after all, you're the mapper
do a wooden pseudo ramp like on duststorm at the north west, or use the metal ramps like on ...snowbound? you know inside nf base it has those nifty catwalks. both are more interesting both visually and for gameplay than ladders or stairs. damn i still really wanna play this map... maybe this weekend
- Some hole in the center building ceiling - FIXED - Some displacements on the east not touching the ground - FIXED - Reducing the Yellow value of the light slightly - DONE - Move northern team first ref to 2nd resource spot - DONE - Adding invisible clips and comm/engy build restrict entities on top of the cliffs to reduce exploiting - 75% DONE - Add two ramps for infantry to get up the middle hill - 50% DONE - Swap trees with none copyrighted ones - 0% - Test new trees, new ramps, resource spots and starting refineries - 0% Is there anyone here with an account on TurboSquid? Is there anyone here who can get a model from TurboSquid into the Source Engine ?
He's using the Episode 2 trees atm, which are fine for a custom map but no good if we wanted to make it official. Which we do.
I've asked Smithy to look at them, but only the palm tree pack is not too high poly but not too shit to be ported directly. He found a very nice free foliage generator for in 3DSMax, last time I checked he was playing around with that.
Even the high poly ones might be of use by rendering out individual branches to textures for billboarding. Depending on their licensing. Some free stuff isn't really free. Edit: Speaking of which: What is too high poly? The orex lod1 is around 450 right? Is that a good aiming point?
Smithy had little issue getting these ingame, although he had to make his own LoDs (no idea on the poly count for them, perhaps ask him)
-darken up the bark and add more contrast to the texture, ask around if u need someone to modify the tex for you - i know it sucks from a modelling perspective, but trunk should be a tapered cylinder or cone, stretched out to detract from it, not a consistent cylinder -shorten overall height or add more branches of smaller length below 'healthy' part of the tree (ex: broken, pruned, burnt branches) - personally, the rootbase is a nice idea/attempt but i'd drop it right out and allow mappers to add small foliage near base of tree, many types of trees have no visible roots, and for its use and ingame resources/impact no roots is better imho. Hope that helps, can we get a ingame/in-Hammer screen-cap mini video? And is it currently static or animated?
A good example of pines is EP2's: As bitchslap noted, the trees are a very long cone, with slightly downwards sloped branches.
The EP2 pines are certainly one of the best i've seen so far. If those can be somewhat remade, with equally good LOD's, that would be awesome. If you want to take a closer look at the EP2 pine trees, they are all over emp_chain. Once you've played the map (or downloaded from this topic), the copyrighted pines should be in your empires folder (chain folder) to check out.