I spotted some holes in the map, nothing game breaking though. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=816862005 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=816862031 I managed to place a turret behind the cliff wall. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=816865436
I've thought of one more thing, I think the built starting ref should be the one on the cliff instead of the one on the beach. Simply because it puts you well out of your way to go and build it.
Here's b2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-myvPcF4DapcVVqMENzRkVKZlk/view?usp=sharing Changelog (b1 -> b2) Changed luminescent grass on top of the cliffs, now it uses the same grass as on the ground Created consistent blend materials for sand -> rock, rock -> grass, grass -> sand and cleaned up the borders on shorter cliffs to blend properly between grass & rock etc Cleaned up many small seams between displacements, in particular on the back cliff Balance changes concerning refs (2 less in total than b1), slightly lower overall income, moved starter refinery to the cliff rather than the beach Added cave at front-mid of map with a cappable flag (offers +2 res) Added some more rocks here and there for cover Added 3D skybox Made front ramps longer and smoother and tried to even out back ramps a bit more, should help vehicles get up them Rotated the starting barracks 90 degrees and moved them closer to the corner, allowing a little more breathing space for radar/vf (if teams needmore space for building, they should move to the beach or push mid)
We had a 4v4 game today, it was quite fun. My only complaint is that the BE command vehicle kept getting stuck on displacements around the map which didn't seem to affect NF. In any case, you've done a fantastic job!
well it shouldnt matter as this map should not be played with more players anyway, but flags do not scale with player counts. if you want "scaleing flags" you would have to spawn and despawn refinaries off map with point_template. just throwing that in, as said, the map probably should not be played with player counts where it would make a difference anyway.
Just thought of something I forgot to mention. All maps should have the refinery output indicated on the minimap, and flags too. Could you modify the minimap so that it includes these informations?