DROPSHIPS ON DUSTSTORM By finally giving enough bribes to the God Krenzo, I've managed to supply both armies with dropships on duststorm. The dropships come with a spawn and can transport people while in air. They have 650 health and can be destroyed by both bullets and explosives. Should they be destroyed by a careless pilot, then they will be quickly reconstructed at the Command Vehicle after 30 seconds. Because nobody likes to wait. It can't be shown any better than showing a video of me killing bots with Russian march music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ps445gcJYI&feature=youtube_gdata A lot of bots died during testing, they deserved it. Download link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7315285/emp_duststorm_dropships.rar
Wow. Congrats. You made something that was made about 7 years ago by HL2:DM mappers. And it sucked even then too!
and I made it into Empires! Thank you. Harry told me you made the interior of the Dropships? So I think you can blame yourself for that.
Well then if varbles asks me to I can just delete your link for using his work without permission and then releasing it.
Lol. Like I give a fuck. Viper is 24/7 shit maps anyway. One more isn't exactly going to make the situation any worse. Server is already laggy as fuck and adminned by retards.
I will never understand why people make so many gimmick maps for empires. I mean, you'd think that people just didn't like the actual game or something.
You have not put any thought, effort, talent, experience, or creativity into this. You really should be ashamed of yourself. Hell, you didn't even make this. The sad part is, people will eat this kind of shit up and call you a god.
Sure its gimmicky and something already done but, he IS contributing to the community. Stop complaining about him actually helping and do something.
He's literally just taken an already existing map (somebody else's work) and made an unplayable copy of it. How does this even have the slightest amount of merit to it?
Actually I am generally of the opinion that making horrible gimmick maps is detrimental to the community, because it just fills the servers up with horrible gimmick maps rather than actual fun things.
apart from that i think dropships suck out of a gameplay perspective, this is a non-commercial product, neither of you is gonna earn money with it, stop acting up like apple. ofc dz you should mention the help of harry and varbles when releasing the map, they at a time might need it for a portfolio (though idk what job thatd be, you dont even map like that anymore), but anything more than that is childish bullshit - you probably couldnt even sell it, i bet there is a clause in the eula that your work is owned by valve (though this is actually not legal in austrian jurisdiction)
If the playerbase wants to play on gimmicky maps instead of traditional maps, then I call that a failure on the part of the game, not the creators of the maps. If your game's intended gameplay can't compete with a gimmick, then your game is ultimately a failure. I don't think Empires is a complete failure. I think it can compete with maps like this one.