He's not here to appreciate them. Though, in the even that he was here, he'd have to prove it's really him by remodeling the NF Medium, the BE AFV, making an NF/BE 4wheeler, and possibly an NF rax.
I know a lot of people like DonMegel's written works. I myself don't read it, nor would I if any other person had written it, because I'm not particularly interested in Empires lore. But I know a lot of people really like Megel's, including people who haven't registered on the forums.
I tried reading his fluff. I tried. But that wall of text is so imposing. Anyway, at least he went with the effort.
I haven't been around back in the olden days of your activity but I consider your input to the mod invaluable. Come back please?
Yeah, need you back babe. Or at least teach one of the dev's your skills so they can carry on this fine work.
ahh I see your sig says your in game name, does this mean you'll play again? and you know get back into it, then model and make some sexy NF raxes, then redo all the voices so it's like take covarrrr.
So Don was the voiceactor for all the Empires clips? Some of the Empires clips are abso-fucking-lutely golden. You know you have something special when you can loop the same sound a dozen times and still laugh. Also, is this Don here and here? Yes, I creeped. I wanted to hear his speaking voice.
If it's NF tanks and buildings get improved / remodeled I will truly appreciate it, no biatching, no joking.
Yeah, it really seemed like he wanted the garage. :p So Don, what do you need a garage for? :confused: Wait a minute, an entire garage? Have you been cheating on Empires with another mod?! :eek: You can't just have a second office for non-Empires work in the garage! :mad: Did you think we would be ok with that?! And to think, I loved you. :cry: You monster...