Hallo, there are some reports about steam vulnerabilities: Game over vulnerabilities on valves steam put hundreds of thousands gamers at risk https://blog.checkpoint.com/2020/12...eam-put-hundreds-of-thousands-gamers-at-risk/ Game On – Finding vulnerabilities in Valve’s “Steam Sockets” https://research.checkpoint.com/2020/game-on-finding-vulnerabilities-in-valves-steam-sockets/ Does this affect the empires mod game as well? Best regards, VV
For what its worth. Empires just got Source SDK 2013 security update added to it. https://www.empiresmod.com/posts/empiresmod-update-2-33-1/ https://steamcommunity.com/games/320/announcements/detail/2971794942853258240 Although, its hard to say whether that fixed any of what you mentioned, or what the fixes actually are. But its first update after many years to the SDK