Last night - March 9 Well of all the nights of great playing, I can't say last night was one of them. We had some decent play but mostly tons of newbs playing which were just fodder for the better players. Funny how 10 guy rush can lose to 4. Anyway - very few followed COM orders resulting in an unenjoyable game of what looked like my griefing the COM, but really just got cornered by a better COM on the other team while trying to stear the focus away from the one barracks we had left. Instead of the team rushing - they all defended the one barracks until my being cornered ended it all. I blame myself since I planned to rush UGL and seriously thought I had researched that extra 20 seconds, but fail, we pushed APC's with machine gunes which are shit. Had I not screwed up it might have been a different game. Longer and more enjoyable - but still a loss due to the imbalance. I felt a bit peeved and since I didn't want the Asshole version of JustGoFly to remain out - I logged off. Gotta keep that butthead chained up some nights. GoFly for the loss ! Boo Fucking Hoo
hobbes just does his own thing (and people play along with it because it's fun) freak does his thing on his own it's about winning and winning usually means cooperating with the smartest guy on the team who's taking it upon themself to organize the team. Hexi's flirting with you bby
The argument in this thread rivals the basic conversations between the characters in Catch-22. Just one insane man after another speaking nonsense. But it is, for we are gentlemen, and if you object, then prove your point by facing us.
The hilarity in this is that JustGoFly is playing when the clans are at their least active. He hasn't been in those pub games where clanners clusterfuck each side and the pubbers are little more than a distraction to them. Those games were fun.
-Talking down to others to establish dominance Justgofly, you are an Alpha Male with capitals who is much more mature, experienced and an all round better person than any of us here. Please teach us the ways you slay pussy, use your time to your utmost and are engaged in a fulfilling life. -Self delusion and sour grapes "Guys, the fact I'm not in a clan isn't because I'm actually really bad at this game and nobody wants me, but because I choose not to join one!" -Bitter "HEY EVERYBODY, STOP ENGAGING IN FRIENDLY BANTER! NO FUN ALLOWED!" General dickery "Anybody with at least few months experience, far more than I have, should stop knowing how the game works and should stop attempting to coordinate the team. Also, I'm going to call you all children again just to ensure that you're still aware I am Alpha Male, The Giver Of A Thousand Orgasms"
I don't bother reading JustGoFly's posts anymore, because I know that in every one, there will inexorably be a little blurb shit-talking me. However, I must admit that I am pleasantly surprised. He seems quite cordial here. Thank you very much for the compliment, JustGoFly.
Something of that sort happened about a month ago (but the clanners and good vets only stacked on side). It was so one-sided that, for once, I actually didn't even get to enjoy Duststorm:
To be fair, I autoassigned, like I usually do, and then everyone up and joined BE. It was pretty funny how much we steamrolled, but I'm just saying that it would've been better on a different map, because Duststorm just so happens to be my favorite. (wtf the time don't work on youtube anymore start it at 6 or watch the whole thing... its kinda cool.)
It had so much potential, but then justgofly let it get to his head, instead of taking the lazy trolling in his stride. I think we need to pick fights with thicker skinned people.
Fun play the last couple of nights, but lots of newbs who won't put in the time or learn how to play then complain of stacks. One game myself and two otherguys renamed ourselves to Senor_Awesome_GoFly since "We are one". When three of us on one team was obviously misbalanced and we took 2/3 of the map, myself and another Awesome switched teams since it was now 7 vs 3. Frigging quiters. We made it 5v5. We got them back in the game and won it. Lots of fun! Last night playing a decent team we were down to only our base. Myself as Gren, and an Engie snuck out in a paper APC, while the rest of the team battled for survival. Brentor was doing a very decent job as com, and was researching Upgraded Turrets. Damn - where are the UGL ! FN was other teams COM and eating our lunch. That guy really knows how to play this game and made it a very fun battle. Upgraded turrets enabled Brentor to retain main base with newbie squad helping. The other team had us surrounded. Instead of going head to head with paper, I flanked them on the side that they had turret mined. They ignored us while we took out all the turrets, built the ref and a second base. A little resistance met with gun in the face of the opponent until we got turrets up. At that point we had med's and fully upgraded turrets. We protected both bases and proceeded to take back our lunch. Finished it off with a nuke in the face of their com FN and one surviving player. Unfortunately the newbs who were on FN's team all resigned when they started to get some push back, making our job just clean up. That seems to be the theme for this game. Slightest setback and guys go spec. They then don't get to enjoy a comeback. Kudo's to the TWO guys who remained in the game to the very end, fighting like rabid dogs. They did an excellent job of repelling tank attacks when they only had a barracks and armory. JustGoFly
Thanks for the kind words, dudes... I'd say I compete pretty favorably against mixed-skill teams (as I should -for someone who's been playing since 2006), but any time when there are a lot of skilled guys playing, I just feel like one of the guys. There are lots of good Empires players. They just don't play anymore because THEY'RE FUCKING PRICKS.