Krenzo asked me to remove it or people would think that they could go on land too. Maybe if we have a big "WATER ONLY" sign beside the wheel... btw check out the light boat thread for screenshots of it in hammer.
how bout a bunch of guys at the back whistling? Seriously, I think that different propusion systems would world, maybe the NF could have an inefficient jet engine.
Ok i've been making some door/gate models after 6th monkey asked for a one. You can find quite a few new shots featuring a few unfinished models at: To download the updated model pack go click here
Please, god, let them be fully physically simulated. How would the carriers work, though? I mean, landing a vehicle on top of another vehicle..?
Probably the Naval code will be hacked, to reduce lag... so that a certain point on a naval ship will treat water as land... But the units that dont have that condition will just fall through "Or sink" So landing veichles on that would actualy be as stable as trying to land something else on some thing else right now What I am more conserned about is people walking on the surface of the ships, beacuse I think due to source's problems people will just "Glide bacK" if they do not move and will eventualy fall off the ship...
hmmm... naval maps... could be interesting... but it would have to be a connected Island chain... most games that try it don't succeed very well... -Sheepe
You sunk my Battleship! well I only started it a short time ago. Anyway here some pics of it. I'm going to add some interior and also ways to get on and off it.
Are you using a reference pic for the scale? Looks like a good start. The hull is a nice shape but the turrets seem very big in comparison. Look up some good side on ref pics and set them as the viewport background and model against that. Always remember to conserve your poly count. Once you have a section nearing completion post a wireframe and I'll help you optimise it.
oooh sexy boat. I think it would be really cool if the Community could do a lot of the modeling, to get some of the work off the Devs. That's what a Mod community is partly for isn't it?
i can draw concepts, but i have no idea about the first thing in modelling (i cant even spell it) (or copy it)
Yes, it's great that you guys are so involved. Thing is that Krenzo and Duke have a pretty tight grip on their art direction so they might reject some things if it's not fitting. Not that it can't be altered, just beware Krenzo and his criticism and requests for changes.
Well because Everyone says blimps are VERY soon in the future... Instead of blimps can they use helicopters? Helicopters could use the same idea as the blimps, only they look like helicopters. Or Add the Helicopter as a Jeep in the sky. In GMOD they made a combine helicopter that uses mouse1 to go up mouse2 to go down. Sounds simple enough? Then again i dont know anything about games, i just like to play them... View While Driving? t3h gunz?!
Well Krenzo, or at least i thought it was krenzo said "Blimps will be a temporary thing untill the planes are done." So i hope they change to helicopters... And if they were a joke cheers to you because i'm confused! If there wont be blimps and aircraft will take awhile please make a temporary devise for us to sink our teeth in.