None of these crates are used ingame, the ones around the BE buildings all have 108 polys, which is still too fucking high.
Because you're counting polys, not tris. You made the exact same crate he made. Notice how his polycount is almost exactly twice as high as yours. That's because he has two triangles where you have one rectangle. The modeler is too fucking high.
If you double the polycount for the quads, they end up with the same number of triangles. (Hint: Not all the polys in Marshall's model are quads.) Get rid of the grooves (or convert them to a heightmap) and the polycount will drop like a rock.
The one i posted was an import of an smd it breaks all poly's into tri's, Marshall's tri count is actually higher because his model is different.(He extruded a few extra faces than he needed to,this is how the actual crate is) : Also, was Mayama's like this?(Normal mapped details)
Do you mean the model? Or the actual crate itself? If you mean the crate itself i have no idea, thats something you should ask Megel since he made the original? Edit:Lol 3 pages of offtopic stuff.
It's a photoshopped version of his, look closer. I edited the picture to how the original crate is, you can remove some of the polys from the side that doesn't have the extra extrusions - but even after doing that it is still over 1000.
Actually, Mayama's wasn't like that if I remember rightly, but I'll take a look for it. But either way, it doesn't even need to be rounded. Rounded edges are stupid, what kind of transport crates would have rounded edges?