A gorge, a lake, a hole or how about an invisible wall!! I like the lake the best. fellow by the wall.
i have a little trench, which took ages to make... but im goona try a few destroyed models, that a friend is doing... and i think ill put a rebuildable version of slashers bunker in... as that looks quite good...
ok i have a slight problem when i compile the map.... t get the messgae "Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01!" and this stops me fom even loading my map in empires... heres my compile log Code: materialPath: c:\program files\valve\steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\Empires\materials Loading c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\sourcemods\empires\mapsrc\emp_2_hills_enlarged.vmf fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides... 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10WARNING: node with unbounded volume WARNING: node with unbounded volume Processing areas...done (0) Building Faces...done (0) FixTjuncs... PruneNodes... WriteBSP... done (1) writing c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\sourcemods\empires\mapsrc\emp_2_hills_enlarged.prt...done (1) Creating default cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials: skybox/sky_day01_06*.vmt Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps. No such variable "$hdrbasetexture" for material "skybox/sky_day01_06rt" Can't load skybox file skybox/sky_day01_06 to build the default cubemap! Finding displacement neighbors... Finding lightmap sample positions... Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Building Physics collision data... done (4) (18787572 bytes) Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01! Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01! Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01! Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01! Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01! Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01! Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01! Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01! 9Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01! Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01! Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01! Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01! Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01! Material NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A uses unknown detail object type coastline_redgrass01! ...10 Water found with no water_lod_control entity, creating a default one. Compacting texture/material tables... Reduced 835 texinfos to 528 Reduced 36 texdatas to 30 (1141 bytes to 908) Writing c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\sourcemods\empires\mapsrc\emp_2_hills_enlarged.bsp 23 seconds elapsed
You've got a disagreeable texture somewhere I think. Find the instances of that texture and switch it to something similar. I guess.
By the looks of it, the texture named “NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A” has detail objects build into it's properties (e.g. Grass, small models, etc.) but it can't find the detail object named coastline_redgrass01(either you don't have or it's looking in the wrong place.) try replacing all “NATURE/BLENDROCKGRASS004A” textures with something else on an other note, my NF_bunker is coming along slower then I thought, I'll try to catch up.
This is because this texture uses a detail type specified by HL2. Because empires has it's own detail.vbsp, there is no definition for the type that the texture is trying to use. However, this is not a fatal problem. The only side-effect of this would be not having grassy ground. Your real problem comes much earlier: "WARNING: node with unbounded volume". Interlopers says this: Description: Your map has a node with an infinite size. (a node is what a clipnode was in hl1, in other words a volume denoting where the player can get to and where not.) Solution: Unless you just did some vertex-manipulation or placed static props in a wall, or added a funky new displacement, you shouldn't hunt this error down, as it may take you ages to find, unless you get strange effects in your map. Just fix (simplify) the awkward gemetry if you find it. May also be the sign of an invalid brush, or simply vertices offgrid (unlikely?). In other words, you've done something funky with vertex manip or the displacement tool. If that's not your whole log, then that's your problem. If it is, you're missing the stage which copies the bsp file into the maps directory (running expert mode?)
ok yeah i replaced the textures.... and i think the "node with unbound volume is to do with some disp that io have n there.... but i dont know where the unbound volume would be, because it doesnt tell me where to fnd it... : (
The cordon tool limits what gets compiled in your map. You can literally just cordon off sections. By hiding, I mean putting it into a visgroup and making it invisible. Either of these methods can be used to block out parts of the map. If the error disappears, then you know the error was in the blocked off area. You then make the area smaller, and repeat untill you have discovered the culprit.
well i cant find this "node with unbounded volume"... i can get it to the corner i think it is in and sometimes it shows up and than i move the cordon over it again and it has disapeared... so im like WTF?
ok so my map is pretty finished... just a few things to do but it is practicly finished.... needs a finall compile and the bugs need to be removed. But unfornately i have had little time to do this and am having lots of trouble removing the bugs. so the project has come to a stand still atm... : ( could anyone help with bug removal plz?
If you want to PM me the vmf I'd be happy to help. What kind of bugs are you talking about? In-game or compiling?
Post your compiling log so I can have a closer look at. And if you want, send me you .vmf so I can have a good look at.
well i know that you wont realy find much from my compile log, but node with unbounded volume and other bad stuff... im still trying to upload my vmf to filefront... its taking a long time as i have moved to a boarding school and have filtered internet access (which causes steam to go crap because i cant use it through a proxy server)... but i have managed to upload your other model of the nf bunker.... so thats alright.... my vmf is about 25mb or sumthing like that... its goooonnnaaaaa take some time... *uploads* well i managed to upload it and here is the link http://files.filefront.com/emp_2_hills_enlargedvmf/;5531200;;/fileinfo.html if anyone people could try to bug fix this than i would be very greatfull...
Your main problem was this: Code: FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (7121.4, 7763.0, -464.4) Leaf 0 contents: Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID Candidate brush IDs: Brush 14165: FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (7121.4, 7763.0, -1110.9) Leaf 0 contents: Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID Candidate brush IDs: Brush 14093: Both brushes belonged to your tower. By making it into a func_detail, these errors went away. I wouldn't worry about vis blocking on such a small structure; it's hardly worth the engine's effort to do the calculations. It's far easier for it to just draw everything. I must say, your brushwork on the tower is quite poor. It could use a lot of optimisation. At the moment, it just screams "CARVE!". Other than that, I think everything is okay. I didn't attempt to compile fully or run the game, as I assume your problems were in BSP, and I am missing a lot of the textures and models that you are using. I hope this helps. As far as I can tell, this is the only fatal error in the VMF that you sent me.
yeah i understand about the models... and such, there are a few custom ones in there. but ill try it again and than i might host a beta of the map on filefront....