Convincing commander... how important?

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by Metalhead, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. Metalhead

    Metalhead Member

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    how important is it that the team trusts in the skills of the commander? Thats a question I've been asking myself a lot of times. In my opinion this is one of the most important things and even more if the players in a team aren't that good.

    About a weak ago I was playing a few games on a server filled with noobs. Maybe two or three experienced players were playing, but the rest was constantly doing shit.
    I was commanding every map and most of the time, my team has lost. Many of these guys were bashing how an awful commander I was (even tho they voted for me every map). I'm quite sure I wasn't awful, but I knew there was a reason why my team lost every map.

    I'm quite sure I know the reason now. The difference between me and the other commander was how we could convince people for doing what we want them to do and what we know is best for the team.
    I didn't have a mic, English isn't my native language, I didn't explain my strategy and I could have given clearer orders (stopped doing this because only one or two guys followed them). Now I have a mic... but English still isn't my native language ;)

    Even if you have a mic, there's still much you can do wrong. If you say something, it has do be clear and mustn't leave any doubt. Not just the content has to be clear, you even have to express it clearly and with confidence in your voice :D .

    If your team isn't full of noobs and newbies, this changes very much. You don't have to tell everybody everything they have to do anymore, but it still is quite important. In my opinion this is a unique factor in gameplay for empires and I really like it.

    What do you think about this? What is your experience as commander or as soldier?
  2. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    Some people are just retards, and there is no way around that. I got called a noob the other day for not researching anything when we had 200 res. :rolleyes:
  3. Metalhead

    Metalhead Member

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    That's right, you can't entirely change them. But a very good commander is able to form a team out of this bunch of headless guys scouting around and building "strongholds" somewhere far away from the battle.
  4. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    I think it is important to get control of your team, especially to stop them "accepting defeat". I'd say that most good players know that any match can be turned around, but newbies give up easily, so it's important to tell the people that say "we're gunna lose" to shut the hell up and do as you tell them.
  5. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    I wouldn't call winning using total noobs against even bigger noobs good commanding.
  6. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    I hate it when people start screaming " OMGZ WE LOOSE!!!"
  7. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    On the other hand, I hate it when people don't get the hell out there and do some good. So when I eventually say, "too late now, we've lost"...and just before the tanks come rolling in people start with "what ya talkin' bout foo?"'s just makes me megasigh.

    There is a point at which you lose, or at least, where you know it's over unless something changes within your team - the point of no return. If people can realise this and you've had an awful game up to this point, there have been times where everyone just goes "well feck that! Let's make 'em bleed then!" and even though you know you've probably lost, you manage to get to see some of the best play around - sometimes you even manage to win, on tickets.

    If they don't realise it, and this is generally seen on public, you get the people still wandering around going "we still have time" and eventually one guy in a medium comes up to your CV and just nails it to death...usually with no defense. This is the type that makes me megasigh...where people don't realise there was a point of no return, where we had our last chance and blew it.
  8. Silk

    Silk Mapper

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    Haha yeah, i know the feeling.

    A few days ago on money, we had 3/4 of the map. Of course almost the entire team was sure that we would win, and only a few realized that while we had 3 times as much money and could hit their base, that our commander had researched meds, and meds only. So a few of us kept saying to push harder, because we had to take em out before the difference in technology would become obvious. So a few people kept going against the entire team saying that there still was a chance we would lose, but of course seeing the 'obvious advantage' we had no one listened. 10 minutes later their heavies with comp, coolant and rail destroyed all our meds with plain, standard and standard missiles/cannons.

    But ontopic. It IS important for the players to trust the commander, or they won't follow orders. If someone is comm for a few good games in a row this will be no problem. If they don't know you the use of voice is important, and like you said when you sound calm but determined they will trust you that little more.
    But sometimes the people in your team are just so ... stupid that it doesn't matter what you do as comm.
  9. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    Just don't be com. if they vote you in, drop the first refinery if neccessary, and then hop out and say you won't do it.
  10. thecrecarc

    thecrecarc Member

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    Yep. We still need a "don't vote for me" button though. That will make the process much easier for people who don't want to comm.
  11. Reef

    Reef Member

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    There will be more games that noone commands. Will that be better?
    The button is solving the effect of the problem (that people don't want to command), but it's not solving the reason of it. The reason is that players don't care about commander's orders.

    There is a political joke in Poland, about current authorities, that fits to this situation:
    If hitting Yourself with a hammer would give the pain not instantly, but a few years later, people would hit themselves with a hammer much more often. This is originally about economic decisions, but in our situation it's players disobeying orders because they don't see that they will suffer from it in 5 minutes. In Natural-Selection if You don't obey an order You'll be probably bit to death in less than a minute. Sometimes You have only few seconds and before You say "omg comm Onos is incomming my position" You are already dead. In Empires when commander tells You to build radar or a ref and You disobey, You'll loose in 5-15 minutes because of it.
    Please review this thread on a suggestion how to fix it. I am starting to give up cuz noone backs me up. The moment when I just change my nickname to "Reef_dont_vote_me" is getting closer.
  12. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    And now tell us how to put the fear of war in the eyes of our lovley infantry...
    Serious yes tell me.

    Tight maps like slaughter are better because you have a constant front
    that tears you appart if you dont help one second.
  13. tysonm1

    tysonm1 Member

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    Well today, the team I was in were some quite good players but on the other side I just had to look at one driving a jeep to know what they are, N00bs!

    When my team got on with their orders and attacked their base they were really unorganized I mean like n00bs running all over the place like headless chickens and their commander was backed up against a wall with a barracks next to it. Even tho their commander was in a real dum place, the n00bs actually managed to keep us out of their base for a minute or two before one of our grenadiers got close enough to blow it up.
  14. Hendar23

    Hendar23 Member

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    I find psychology is very important in Emp, thats why I hate whiners...they bring down team moral. As a comm I try never to directly criticize my players. Criticizes their actions, and explain why. And when the team does well, tell them. I find something as simple as saying "Great work recapturing the center guys, your doing awesome." will drive people on and encourage them to listen to you."

    Oh and as comm I think you needa mic. You can't keep taking your eyes off the action to read text, neither can you afford to stop and type.
  15. Metalhead

    Metalhead Member

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    Thats right. Today I've played a few games in a row and my team had won the last four games or so. The enemy comm didn't push forward and we could win territory quickly. There wasn't much I could do wrong and I did my job well.
    The next game really was one of the best games ever. It was on crossroads. My team trusted me and nearly everybody followed my orders and listened if I told them something. This time the enemy was strong, too, but we rushed to the middle quickly without building the refineries near our base first and got an advantage by taking it.
    The game still took quite long, and I had to quit before it ended... but I'm quite sure we won.
  16. tysonm1

    tysonm1 Member

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    Do you think in the future whenever someones griefing they get a warning and if they keep doing so they get kicked/banned.

    I don't know why but the last few servers I've been on they never have admins playing or spectating so they couldnt give warnings out to griefers and when someone is griefing people try to kick but they only get up to like 4/35 and then they start yelling down peoples back to get it higher.
  17. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    put some of the admins on your friends list and tell them to get in the fucking game and ban the dude?
  18. Dr. Nick

    Dr. Nick Member

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    Not exactly on topic, but I have a different question:
    How important is it that the commander trusts the skills of his(or her) team?

    Just earlier I was commanding for NF with some people I had never played with before(I don't think they were playing for very long either), and we were losing horribly.
    First our rush failed, then when I asked for an engineer to go to the dam, and everything but engnieers did, first it was Riflemen, then it was a Scout, then it was a grenadier, and still no Engi!
    What's worse is that half the team was Scouts!

    I think it's really important that the commander plays a few games with the team before commanding them, that gives him/her the chance to see who can take orders and who can hold the team back.
  19. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    Every new commander should make their own server and just add researchtime multiplier to 99999999 and then build a radar.
  20. Cyber-Kun

    Cyber-Kun Member

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    If you are a commander, it is good to trust no one until you know they are good.
    While it may sound quite bad, it allows you to change to pressure if something unexpected happens.

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