i maintain that a team should lose in a minute or two if it has no spawn points. vote empty for saving empires 2015
Would that replace the CV condition or just being an alternative way to win? Maybe you can become my vice-president.
CV would still be a target. The goal of the new wincon isn't to make it so players ignore CVs, it's to prevent the fucking endless BS where one team controls literally the whole map, but just fucks around because they know the other team has no spawn, dragging it out senselessly and pissing off the 10+ people on the losing team who can't spawn.
No, that's a case that game design should cover. Force-ending it is fine on an admin end, but it really should be patched out. Just like where you used to be able to 9-mine your own CV. These things are part of game development, and things that can more often be abused need to be catered for. edit: also, in my case, if I saw people doing that I would actually ban them instead. That's not cool.
I'm thinking of assholery more than inability to finish, much like in dota where in theory the winning team can just go and kill the ancient but instead chooses to demolish the whole map. Or the reverse in starcraftu, where the vast majority of rounds end before the actual win condition is met because the loser gg's out many minutes before the opposition can wipe his structures. If the losing team holds on by a thread like sometimes it happens in SOF, it's not the game's fault. One can blame map design or the winning team's inaptitude. Then again, if that one ahole left standing is going off on a 10-minute CV chase and he can't even revive anyone, the game is basically over but needlessly drawn out. Then again, I've seen at least one map won from a single player left standing type of position, and that is enough for me to oppose this idea. What I propose is to educate the community in gaming etiquette instead.
That's why we recently added "surrender" in the server...I think. It's just the percentage required is a little too high. 60~70% may be just high enough. I don't think Empires should have more design to cover that. We can just make surrender a thing.
Really one problem with ending the game that really can kill a server is the Benny hill CV problem, where the cv (especially the be one, due to way better handling and hitbox) can just use its massive hitpoints to run away from all the heavies for ages. Thing is, we cant seem to find a way to make it not possible without hurting normal gameplay in the process (say not having cv cool could lead to cvs being too easy to kill early) or having bizzare arbitrary restrictions (cvs somehow become sluggish if you dont have a spawnpoint). Votes are fine, but really experience says they dont do nearly enough as youd expect them to do, same with rtv and nominations, people either dont give a shit or plain forget about it.
I was considering a slow, un-stunnable CV, kind of like a proper heavy tank without weapons. It'd need to be able to push through everything though. Also walls and turrets would be a problem.
It's easy enough to make it push through everything tanks wise and make it unstunable, that can be all done with scripts right now. You are right about the wall and turret problems though, well almost. Nf commander can actually run past turrets. Any case I'm not sure that would work out well in the end.
That isnt actually terrible, as it also partially fixes the hobbes syndrome, but i think it would suffer from the 'we cant have slow things that still climb terrain'.
empty acts like he doesnt like cv running, but its the only thing he likes e: and hes right, it is the best thing about empires
if you guys want the game to end after having no racks for 2 minutes then how are you going to go about making it not seem like a completely arbitrary loss (which it is)
isnt it rather common in RTS to lose after your last town hall dies? total annihilation (not the game) sucks. but speaking of it - its exactly like that (the game now) in empires. just no explosion
its an rts for 2 people. 4% of the players in the game and when that happens in rts' its 100% a loss. i've played games where the commander successfully located when he had no racks' left
yes, no doubt you have. im rather sure i participated in the one or the other. ive also seen sonecha win a game as comm all by himself. its pretty rare though and i guess those 2 proposed minutes are long enough to rebuild (it could end the timer as soon as you start building the rax) - if you cant initiate your comeback within this timeframe you probably wont win anything anymore. but i also ask myself, do comm chases really last 2 minutes? what would be an appropriate timeframe to include your argument which is very valid and is it worth it in the end.
so fucking easy to do. Do this... "massoverride" "3000" "horsepower" "3000" "maxspeed" "20" "axleratio" "1" Bam.. awesomely slow/can_push_vehicles_out_of_the_way/climb_most_any_hill/CAN'T_be_pushed_around com tank.
I'm not sure why you'd change axel ratio and horse power. Sure it would reduce acceleration, but torque needed to go up a hill and acceleration is the same thing, so it's gonna have some trouble on tiny little bumps you didn't think it would have trouble with.