does anyone think it would be fun to cast the summer league? jephir, lawliet? it could make an interesting series.... i'd be willing to head up the casting... i'd make time on game day for it. what you think?
I relinquished command to princess celestia, like a boss, cause I wouldn't be here like on one of the days. I'd be available to cast.
i was lookin for people to do the recording simon, of course youre the man to see for co-commentary ("co" cause im the breaky, biyatch)
I can record if you guys want My new ISP has a problem at the moment where my Internet connection will lag out if I try to use Teamspeak. I think I have a workaround for it but we should get another person recording too in case I can't. The good news is that I have unlimited transfer now so I don't have to go to UW just to upload the video
Devourawr wanted it all recorded anyways. I was hoping when I play and he isn't then he records a demo that I'll record over and vice versa. Only problem is we were going to get a spare guy to do it incase we're facing eachother.
I can only record from spectator but I'll be using first/third-person camera instead of free camera if that's what you mean.
It makes it a lot more difficult if you have to cut different video parts together/extract audio and whatnot.
Can't you record your voices over the TS or vent, and then paste them onto the video, rather than just using voice chat?
For the last cast I set Fraps to record everything I hear and we casted from Teamspeak. As for footage I think we'll just stick to spectator recording for now.
me and simon can cast, although i will be out of town for the first game which kind of sucks hard.... me+simon+special weekly guest is what I think would work. recording sound and video at once sounds like the way to go, can you work it out jephir? jephir is totally go to camera guy btw.