i need a set of minimap and resource.txt files to quickly test a map with, ive searched thru my empires directory and none of the maps have minimap or resource files...
this one goes into the same dir as the .bsp http://dl.dropbox.com/u/331067/empires/emp_rainbowroad_b3.res this one goes into resources/maps http://dl.dropbox.com/u/331067/empires/emp_rainbowroad_b3.txt hope to help, i assume u can figure out the structure yourself ... just to credit it, rainbowroad is a map by johnshandy, not me ...
Use GCFScape to open the empires scripts in the steamapps folder. http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?p=26
thank-you to both of you gentlemen, was able to test my map, and now i understand where the files were hiding.